Chapter |27|: Hormones hurt me

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There's different ways you can express yourself or your feelings. You can write them down some people sing them and some people even come straight out and tell their feelings like ripping off a bandaid. Me. Expressions are hard. You never think how your feelings might damage another's.

A knock at the door stopped me from typing as I got up to open the door seeing my mother looking nervous and apologetic.

"Hey" I said lowly and she gave me a small smile.

"Can you forgive me for being a lame parent?"

I laughed. "Depends, Did you bring a peace offering?"

"Uhm there's a pack of oreos in the pantry"

I laughed and hugged her. "I was never mad, Just didn't understand why you were upset"

"I Just don't want you to get trapped down by dating someone the exact same as you, You did that with your ex and you two broke up.. Very organized."

"That was different" I said assuring myself and her. Brian was way to political and judgemental. He constantly nagged about everything and anything not to mention his obsession with using big words you'd have to google to understand.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Let's just hope this isn't another Brian. Tell me about him"

I kept typing and gazed my eyes over the computer screen. "Who Maurice? He's sort of a closed book.. More locked., He doesn't love easily" I raised both eyebrows. "He doesn't do anything easily, Writing is like his life since he grew up having to hold all his emotions. He cares about everything" I smiled. "He brings joy to everything and everyone around him"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "He does nothing to hurt anyone and he believes in never making others feel the way he did. He's very sensitive although he tries to hide it." I quickly got mad. "And people hurt him so willingly. Then only care about how they feel instead of how he might"

"Oh kay" My mother dragged. "This obviously drifted to something else, I'll just go watch TV, Are you planning on going out?"

I stared at my reflection on the computer sn and then heard an awkward cough and the door shutting.


"Hey, This is faith again." I sighed. "I've left you now 32 messages Zach. I don't know if you're avoiding me or not. If you are then you probably caught my drift and it's a little awkward.. I Just don't want anything to change. Call me"

I hung up and groaned as I leaned back in bed and looked up at the roof just as my phone rang making me quickly answer without checking the contact name.

"Oh my God thank you for calling me"

"Didn't think you missed me so much" Maurice replied and my heart dropped.

"Hey baby, What are.. What are you up to?"

"About to go to Zach's, He left his cellphone in the car"

My eyes damn near popped out of my head as I sat up. "Really? Wow I bet it's been annoying you"

"It's dead that's why I didn't know till the last minute, I was wondering if we could all go out maybe to eat, You can bring Blaire for Zach"

"A double date? Sounds sketchy don't you think?"

"I've been trying to set him up with his ex but he's been distant with girls lately. Hell distant with everybody even me.. You think he's hiding something?"

"Uhm no" I said and closed my eyes thinking of what to say. "You know summer's over and we start our teaching jobs in a few weeks. He probably feels left out"

High five me for how accurate that sounded.

"Damn. My best friend for years and still can't figure him out. Well I'm here now, So yes to dinner?"

"Of course, Why not?" It's not like I've been obsessing over your best friend because of these weird feelings I've been having.

"Great. I Love you"

I bit my tongue. "I love you more honey bear"

He laughed. "Bye babe"

I hung up and felt 10x worse than before.

"Wow, That was embarrassing to ease drop on" Blaire said from the door and I almost jumped.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well apparently getting ready for a double date tonight, Then again I'm not sure if Zach's my type"

"Are you kidding? He's like a freaking god"

She laughed as she held her stomach and tears started to appear in her eyes. "Oh my-" She laughed harder. "Your hormones are so funny"

"What?" I asked probably looking dumb and confused.

"You're clearly etching for sex, Why else would you be so attracted to Zach? A guy you claim slept with all of Virginia. He practically took the virgin out of Virginia"

I shook my head as I searched for an outfit. "You're crazy, I don't need sex."

"No" She trailed. "But you want it, Have you and Maurice ever.. Done the nasty?" She winked.

"You're gross and no we have not. We're a very mature couple who doesn't need intimacy to complete our happiness"

"All I heard was blah blah blah I'm horny blah blah blah"

I ignored her and went into my closet. I don't need to sleep with anyone to be happy or tame me, I'm not some hormonal lion.

"Just be honest with yourself, Maurice is a fine ass guy. I mean damn. Surprised you haven't jumped his bones yet"

"No one says that"

She didn't reply as my phone rang and she quickly answered.

"Hello Maurice, Change of plans, If I have to go on a date with Zachary I would appreciate it if we went out dancing instead"

I stared at her not believing she answered my phone.

She laughed. "Great darling, We're looking forward to it. Tell Zach I'm wearing a gold dress so he better not out do me unless he wants to be left dancing with his shadow"

She glanced at me and stuck her tongue out. "Great, Bye bye"

She tossed me my phone after hanging up. "You're unbelievable"

"Thank you, Now find something he said he's wearing black, Better look hot"

I rolled my eyes as she hit my butt then walked out of my room.

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