Dying Isn't Okay

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Tony Stark POV

My hand ran through my hair as I let my drink slam onto the table, "Bro. We talked about this. It's not cool to bring half-dead things into my tower! First, it was that spider thingy and now this?"

"First of all, Peter was dying. Second, so is this kid! Either you can help me get him stable or leave." He yells at me. Dang, he's serious about this. Few times he has yelled at me without hulking out.

"What happened to him?" I inquire.

He runs around a dead looking, black hair boy. He suddenly sticks an IV into his left arm. I look over to the computer to see Jarvis already scanned the poor kid, he also was keeping track of his vitals. He was also running some sort of test on this black liquid. I walk down a few steps to a sunken in area where the Jolly Green Giant is.

"Bruce," I say again, now cornering him where he is taking blood from the kids right arm. "What can I do to help?"

"Look at the scans Jarvis took. We need to figure out what poison he took. It is starting to shut down his systems."

I wandered over to the computer and started to look at Jarvis's findings. The boy started to run a high fever and his heartbeat was slowing down. The poison was quickly identified as cicuta douglasii, just as the boy started to shake.

"His body is going into shock!" Bruce shouted. He quickly began to deliver CPR.

"The poison is cicuta douglasii!" I tell him, as I look for the antidote. My voice falters, "There is no antidote..."

"We just need to stabilize him. We need to secure the airway. He is going to have seizures. For that we need prophylaxis. Jarvis, warn us if any of his vitals changed. We only have 15 minutes until he dies."

We quickly went to work and within 5 minutes we have him stable. There is a tube down his throat to help him breathe. Just as we finish up, Capsicle enters the room.

"Jarvis said there was an injured boy in here. What happened?" Ugh, why did Jarvis tell Stars and Stripes?

Bruce thankfully answered for me, "I found him in an alleyway taking some poison."

"Wait, did you just say this boy willingly took this poison?" I questioned while pouring myself a drink.

"Tony, you probably shouldn't be having another drink. Do you know anything about this kid, Bruce?"

"No, I just knew he was trying to kill himself and the tower was the closer than a hospital. It was logical to bring him here where we could help."

"This tower isn't meant to be a hospital. We can't just keep bringing in strangers, it can be a safety issue. This kid is the last one okay?" Steve told him.

I downed my drink and started to pour another but Steve took the bottle from me. I just grabbed another from under the counter.

I pulled the cap off with my teeth and stated, "Well he needs someone to stay with him for tonight at least. We have him stable but there is no telling when he will wake or what it has done to him."

"I can stay with him. I brought him here. We have no idea what kind of state he might be mentally."

Capsicle seemed to think of it, "I can take the second watch if you want. It's almost two a.m., I'll be down in three hours. If you need me, I'm going to be in the training room."

He started to head towards the elevator as I called out, "Punching a bag won't make the pain go away!"

"At least I'm not drinking my life away..." I heard him say under his breath.

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