Let the Search Begin!

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Percy POV

It's hard, you know, when everyone you love is gone. I don't even know where my mom and Paul have gone. Hades, why am I just thinking of them?

My demigod dream, weirdly I'm almost self-aware, takes me to the Underworld. Hades is there, much like Odin, sitting on his huge throne peering down at me. Until like Odin, when he notices my presence, he walks off his throne and shrinks.

He keeps walking towards me and with each step his height deteriorates. Hades is right in front of me within seconds, only a few inches taller than me. He wastes no time and pulls me into an tight hug.

Never in a million years would I have guessed, Hades, of all the gods, would give me a hug.

"Percy, we have a lot to discuss. I have pulled you here to tell you a few things."

"How could you have hugged me? I thought I'm in a spirit form." I question first.

"You are, but seeing that I called you here, and am the God of the Dead, I can control the density of you for right now."

"That's weird..." I think aloud.

Hades only laughs. He's in a good mood for some reason.

"How come you're happy? Nico is dead and is trying to kill me still. Along with the other Seven." My voice comes across as stern and hardened.

Hades quickly stopped laughing, "Nico? The other 7 trying to kill you? No one has left my realm. With Thanos on the loose, no spirit could be out for long without him finding them."

"Then who is doing this? These spirits have been attacking me, hurting me in all kind of ways."

Hades takes a step back, in thought, "I do not know, I'm sorry. But I brought you here to let you know about your mom."

My eyes light up, "What about her? I was searching but couldn't find them." I scratch the back of my neck ashamed, "I got distracted... and haven't searched since."

"And for good reason, Percy. Your life force almost entered here several times. The Avengers are good for you. Trust in them." Hades rests a hand on my shoulder. "Our time is limited, I brought you here to let you know Sally Jackson and Paul Blofis safe. Sally has entered into Elysium."

"Oh." Is all I could say. "What about Paul?" My voice cracks.

"He is alive, I believe he will need your help when you get back to Earth. Seek him out."

"Thank you Lord Hades for all of your help."

"I wish I could help more. I see why my son liked you. Continue not to blame yourself for their deaths. They do not blame you."

A knocking enters my ears. "Wait! I can't go. Can I see them?"

"Come back soon, and I will permit you to talk to them." Hades waves his hands. "Good luck, young hero."

With a sudden hit, I'm back in my body, "No!! I need to go back!"

Loki appears by my side, "Percy! Relax, it is alright."

"No! I must go back to Hades now. I need to see them."

"Hades?" Loki seems bewildered. He takes a seat on the bed next to me, "How was he here?"

I shake my head, again, "He wasn't. Demigod dreams cause us to drift anywhere. We are awake during them. They can be very cruel, this one wasn't."

"What did Hades want?" He asks. Then he hesitates, "Actually, tell me over breakfast. We need to begin our search. Get dressed, I will see you in five."

With that he is gone, vanished into thin air.

And for once, I actually did. I went to the washroom and prepare for the day.

Asgardian clothing was set out on the bed once I finished freshening up. I put it on not truly looking at it and go the the mirror. A light blue cloth shirt, black Asgardian leather armor and tight navy pants.

Not bad. Whoever did this has good taste.

I do however need shoes. A quick glance around led me to find a pair of tall leather boots with a buckle on the side, also black.

Loki chooses that moment to come into the room. At least I'm dressed.

"We need to go, Thor will meet us in the library and breakfast is being delivered there. Follow me." He starts walking in out the door and to the left. 

Why does he seem snappy? But in the bad way. He seemed to be okay when he came in to wake me. 

I catch up to him, "Hey Loki, what's wrong?" I'm feeling blunt today. 

He keeps walking, not answering for a minute. We round a few corners before he says, "It is not you, if you are wondering." He sighs, "On Earth, you are a hero, loved by all, respected by all gods. I'm the opposite. At least on Midgard, not a lot of mortals know me. But here I received stares and hateful glances. I would rather be back on Midgard then endure suffering here." 

"That's not right. Can no one take your jokes?" I ask. 

"It's not about that. They see me as a monster. Only because of my heritage." We enter the library. "But this is not the matter at hand. The one thing we must solve is who is attacking you." 

He quickly approaches and asks a random person about the book we are looking for. This person must be the one in charge. Loki seems to be annoyed, trying to explain this book. The man keeps shaking his head and walks away. 

"He said he's never heard of the book. But he's lying." Loki shakes his head, "He tried lying to the God of Lies."

I smile. "He must be pretty dumb then."

Loki smiles also, "Yes. Yes he is. Because of his stupidity, we must do it with magic."

With a small wave of his hands, several books come towards us. Six or seven different books surround us in a small semicircle. Loki taps on four of the covers and they all leave. Which leaves three books in front of us. Loki reaches out for the one in the middle and flips through it. But all of the sudden, he flings it out. Instead of falling, it goes back to its original position in the library. He glances at the two books left and grabs the one on the left.

"Thank you." He mutters softly and the other book leaves.

I just stare in awe. I'm not the only one. Everyone in the library watched Loki as he worked. The man who Loki first approached had his mouth open wide.

Loki looks around, instead of being shy, he smirks and walks over to an empty table.

He sits and motions for me to sit next to him.

Loki glances over at me, "Now begins the hard part. We need to find out what this is."

He cracks open the spine and starts searching through the thousands of pages.

At first, I stare anxiously at the words, but then my ADHD kicks in. I can't do this.

At one point I stand up and walk around the gorgeous library.

There's a huge stain glass window in front of the doors where we came in. There was a vast area in front of the books with several tables and chairs for others to work. Rows and rows of books followed on each side. Two separate columns on each side with 22 rows in each column. Trust me I counted.

Soon it was nighttime, and I found myself laying on top of one of the tables. I'm bored.

I'm almost asleep when I hear, "Percy. I think I've found it."


KatelynElkins1 has told me that if I did not update this would happen, "You will not live to see tomorrow."

So here's the update in the middle of finals week!

She said she would take me out of Fields of Punishment just to get the next chapter and to take my finals. But that would probably be my punishment in the Fields.

Update on Friday! I'll have a ton of time to write while I'm waiting to be judged in the Underworld.

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