Up Up and Away!

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Percy's POV

It's cold. 

And there's a beeping.

I hope it's not a bomb. I just woke up. 

I peel open one eye after the other trying to save myself from the glare of the lights. 

Of course, I'm in the infirmary again. Where else would they put me after I got stabbed? 

The pain is so bright and clear in my memory. I don't understand why they are like this. They aren't like the friends I knew on the Argo II. Maybe since I killed them, they now hate me and turned into vengeful spirits. 

Sam and Dean said that might be the case. But I think this might be out of their league. Mostly because of my extended family. 

I wonder where everyone is. It's weird waking up alone. Usually someone is always in the room with me, especially after the rule Steve made. 

My eyes dart to the nightstand where a glass of water is sitting, just beyond my reach. I sit up a little to try and reach for it, only to be met with a stabbing pain in my abdominal area. 

With a stabbing comes pain, an old friend. 

But it's no where near as bad as it was down there, so I just ignore it. This won't kill me. Even if it did, would it be a bad thing? 

Why am I even still here? 

I sit up all the way now, glass in hand. I drink it all down in one gulp. The water suddenly takes away the throbbing in my cheek from the other cut that I did not notice before. 

"Sir, it is nice to see you awake. I am going to send for Mr. Stark now." Jarvis's voice rang through the chilled air. 

"Actually..." I notice I sound like a small child, "I like the peace and quiet. Can you keep this under wraps?" 

"Sir, Mr. Stark specifically asked me to alert him." 

"I understand Jarvis. But can you do this for me? Just give me like ten minutes." 

"Alright sir. Ten minutes." 

I nod to him, even though he can't see me, feeling a bit awkward. I swallow down my feelings, else they will overtake me. 

I tug off the thin blanket from around my feet and it takes a moment to remember I can move my legs again. They aren't useless anymore, which I am grateful for. 

Black dots fill my vision as soon as my feet hit the ground. It takes a moment for them to clear. When they do, I notice my regular clothes off on the counter. I rapidly change, well as fast as I can in this state, and head to the elevator. 

A good song, for once, fills my ears. It's "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons. I can't help but sing the words softly as I am alone in the elevator. 

The doors open, but the 'ding' is barely heard over loud arguing.

"We must wait for what father has to say brother! We cannot risk upsetting him again." Thor's voice thunders. It is clear they are talking about me.

"We cannot risk waiting! All-Father will not care. Perseus is a legend and a hero in Asgard. You know of this, Thor." Loki has his voice raised for once. 

I can practically hear Thor's frustration, "If we do not ask All-Father, he will not care. He has made it clear how he felt about visitors." 

"But the boy is a hero." Loki sighs, "Father will understand that the knowledge we seek to help the young hero is only in Asgard." 

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