The Night Shift

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Percy's POV

The darkness reminds me of too many things. 

Tartarus, the Labyrinth, Drowning, and so much more. It feels like I'm reliving every one of these events are flashing through my mind. Reminding me of every horrible thing I have ever done. 

I need to get out of this room. 

I don't even know where I am. Is this even real? 

Did I ever really wake up? Is Morr waiting for me outside of this room? 

The walls of the pitch black room feel to be getting closer. I need to get out. 

I stretch out my tighten muscles. It feels like every joint is stiff from my awkward sitting position. My body is wedged in a corner, and my hand goes up to feel the wall. I follow it, trying to get used to it. This reminds me too much of being trapped underground. I need to stop thinking. 

Thinking only reminds me of her. And if I think too much, she will come back, along with all the others. 

My feet slam into a step. The noise makes me jump, I wasn't expecting it. Next, my hands find the railing. And up I go. 

The light blinds me. My eyes are so used to the dark. It hurts my eyes and mind to take in my surroundings. 

I think I'm in the Big House. Maybe they found me after my failed battle. Whatever the reason, I notice a cork board hanging on the wall, showing several pictures of the Seven. Just what I needed. 

Stumbling out of the Big House, I am stopped by Piper. 

"I thought the 'Great Percy Jackson' would be better at staying on his feet. Seriously." She picks at her nails, "Even I could do that when I came to camp." 

I need to keep moving. If she's here, the rest aren't far behind. 

I keep my pace towards the forest. 

"That's a bad idea. Every demigod here knows it." She continues to criticizes. "You never go out into those woods at night. Remember what Luke did to you?" 

The pit scorpion. I study the scar still on my hand. 

"Imagine all the pain you could have saved the world if you died then." Piper tries to mock a serious thinking face. "It would still be better off." 

I don't dare tell her I'm thinking the same thing. 

I turn my gaze away from her and stalk towards the beach instead. 

The journey is simple and quick. The path is well worn down and only takes me a few minutes. I wish I had some of my coke. 

My body takes over as my mind wanders to the last time I was at this beach. Was it when we shared an underwater kiss? Or maybe it was the night before I was switched. 

The moon is reflected off of the calm water. For once it doesn't match the craziness going on inside of me. 

  The stars are so beautiful tonight.  

I don't deserve to be alive, unlike Zoe and Bob. I'm am sure I have killed my friends. My new friends, the Avengers, are going to die at my hand as well. 

I barely hear myself whisper, "Bob says hello." 

Chills run through my spine, "The stars are beautiful tonight." It's Zoe. 

I could feel my body stop functioning. My breath froze, my mind didn't know what to do. I thought it was going to be someone else. 

"You could have saved me." She continues. "Boys." Her head shakes then looks back up at the sky. She has seem to come to understand the changes in the English language. 

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