Tricks and Treats

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Percy POV

My sessions continued with Professor Xavier. It took a few days for him to come back downstairs, so for those days Mr. D talked with me. Although, he did not seem to care very much. He successfully entered my mind, much to my dismay, and did nothing to help. He only reported it to the Professor when he came around. 

Xavier was able to help a little. He talked me through most of it and gave me tips. He also seemed curious on how my power linked to my emotions. I demonstrated my power by summoning a small rainstorm in the palm of my hand. Xavier was fascinated by it and was curious to see more. I barely heard him mention someone named Storm under his breath.  

But no matter what we discussed, it didn't make the nights any easier or seeing them around. The guilt was always there and will never leave. I just need to learn how to function with it. 

I went out often at night, just to walk. I normally stayed in the basement all day. At night, Camp is still and offered me a chance to wander with my thoughts. Loki thinks he's all smart but he isn't staying that well hidden. If he was really trying, I would suggest some sort of invisibility wear. 

He doesn't stop me though. So I take advantage of it. I let my feet take me where they want to go. I often find myself overlooking the sound in the same spot we often had our midnight picnics. 

Tonight is no different. The water is calm and peaceful with the full moon shining brightly back at me. It is a darker blue than usual for a full moon. However, the water is still much darker than the Mediterranean. I spent most of the nights on the Argo II overlooking that sea. It's amazing how much the water can tell about what's coming. 

"The stars are very beautiful tonight." Loki's voice creeps up on me causing me to jump. 

My eyes cast up to Zoe's constellation and I offer her a smile. She will always be a kind reminder of the past. 

"Yes she is." I say in response, "My friend is up there." I point out Zoe's stars. 

He admires Zoe then casts his gaze to me, "What do you want to do?" 

"What do you mean?" I'm confused by his general question. 

"As I see it, you have a few options." He pauses, "You could continue your nightly adventures and getting help from the mortal, however he is leaving soon. Or we could plan on something else." 

"What? Loki, please explain." 

"You need to decide if being here, at this Camp," His voice has an edge to it, "or if you want to go back to the metal man's tower. I believe being here is not the best thing for you." 

I think about it before responding right away and realize the ignorant god is right. No matter how much I love Camp, I am going back to how I was before the Avenger's found me. I am distancing myself and barely accepting help. The help I am getting is doing nothing. 

"I believe you have reached the same conclusion we have reached." Loki picks back up, "The Mortal Flag has come up with a way get back to the tower." 

"Let's do it." 

"We need to trick the floating man into believing you are doing better. Although it pains me to ask of this, Percy, it is necessary. Would you be able to act like everything is fine to get back where we can really help you?" 

"I believe so." I would like to say I am a good actor, but I know I'm not. 

"To make these demigods believe, Thalia needs to talk with you and you need to come out of the basement. That should do it." 

This frightens me. The basement is my safe-zone. I can't go back into my cabin let alone face Thalia and how I let her brother die. It's just like Nico and Bianca. 

"I will tell Xavier tomorrow, when I come up. But I am not going to sleep in Cabin 3." 

Loki smirks, "I don't blame you. I am not a fan of the cabin they assigned me to. But it is the only place they will allow for me to rest." 

I smile thinking of the Hecate kids bombarding Loki with various magic and norse questions. Specifically about some of his children... 

"After Xavier makes his report for that day, they will allow you to move around by yourself. He will leave the next day. The day he leaves, three days from this morning, ask to go on a walk. I will take care of the rest. Most of the Avengers are leaving tomorrow morning." 

"Why don't I leave now?" I ask. 

"If we make any attempt to leave before Xavier thinks you are okay, he will only take you from the tower. He believes it is for the best." 

We talk a little more as he walks me back to the Big House. In a few hours, Apollo will be taking the sun chariot over the hills. Which leaves very little time for me to prepare mentally and physically. I can only imagine how many times Thalia is going to shoot me, let alone strike me down with lightning. 

Xavier floats down the stairs like usual before asking for permission to turn on the lights. I try to be extra cheerful this morning.

"Good morning Professor Xavier. Yes you can turn on the lights." 

"How are you this morning?"He asks as he situates himself. 

"I am feeling alright." 

"How come?" 

"I slept well." 

We continue with the same questions, the only difference is I give a little more hopeful answers. 

We talk for a little longer before I ask, "I thought it over, can I visit with Thalia?" 

"Percy, you can come upstairs and talk to anyone you want. The only person keeping you here is you." 

"Can we go upstairs?" I try and sound sincere, and for the most part I am. However, the other part is made up of nerves. 

Xavier does not seem annoyed that I am making him go back upstairs. He follows me up and out of the House and into sunlight. 

My first urge is to rush back inside when I see demigods looking over curiously. Most I can name because I have lead them into battle. But there are a few unfamiliar faces. 

We barely make it past Arts and Crafts when I see her. Well actually two people. Thalia and my wise girl. 

Thalia storms over, "Perseus Jackson!" 

I flinch and shut my eyes, waiting for her blow. But instead I get tackled into a hug. It takes a moment to realize this and to hug her back. 

When she pulls away, I see she has tears in her eyes. 

I force out the words, "You don't want me dead?" 

She laughs, "Of course I did. My brother died. But then I realized your death would bring nothing, and it wasn't your fault. There was no point in making you suffer more. Only to help you to suffer less." 

I give her a thankful smile and look out to the faces of the demigods surrounding me. Some looked happy, but many did not. They seemed mad. And she didn't help. 

"You know she's lying right? The first chance she gets, she is going to hurt you for killing her brother. You have no right hugging her." 

Xavier thankfully didn't notice her, but then again, he never does. The breakfast bell rings again, and we all usher to the mess hall. 

I tell them I'm not hungry and head back to the Big House promising to catch up with them later. 

Even though the plan brings back so many hurtful memories, it works. A few days later, I ask to go take a walk. 

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