Tough Love

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Percy's POV

"Why in the Nine worlds would you want to summon Aphrodite?" Loki is disgusted with the thought.

"I said, she owes me one." I roll my eyes, "All the Olympians do." 

"But why? I get you saved the world and all, but that doesn't mean these gods would do anything for you." Natasha points out. She's a hundred percent correct. They usually don't give a crap about their kids. 

"They typically don't." I shrug. "I think when only I returned from the last war, they felt different. The gods saw what I went through and experienced and felt like they owed me one. Or it could be part of the monument I made the Seven." 

"So Aphrodite is just going to show up if you call her?" Captain questions scratching his chin. He's very puzzled by this whole concept of Greek gods. 

"I'm pretty for sure she specifically owes me for cleaning up one of her main messes back in Oklahoma. The whole situation was disastrous. It took forever to figure it out and fix it." I go on not caring to what he asked. 

"But you can get her here, right?" He asks again. 

I pause for a second. Do I actually want to ask her to help? It might do more damage. Back before we entered the junk yard, when Artemis and her went missing, she didn't seem interested in giving information. But this time, she has to give it to me, right? 

"I believe all I have to do is say her name. Something like that. It shouldn't be too hard." I glance around, only to notice Peter in the entry way. 

"Hey guys." He walks towards us. 

"Where have you been?" Tony asks, "You've missed a lot." 

"I know, I know." Peter plops down in an empty seat at the table. "I've been slammed at school. Aunt May hasn't been happy with my random disappearances either. She thinks I'm getting into illegal trouble. I had to convince her otherwise." 

"But aren't you suppose to be at school?" Bruce raises an eyebrow. 

"It got canceled. Something was going on with the pipes." He takes a piece of bacon on the table. 

"Which totally had nothing to do with you, right?" Bruce questions further. He's totally on to Peter and what he did. 

Peter is too focused on the food in front of him, "Of course not, why?" 

Bruce just rolls his eyes and looks to me. His eyes are saying, "What are we going to do with him?" 

Peter turns to me, anxious to change subjects, "What were you saying? Something about saying someone's name?"

"We are in hopes of calling upon the goddess of love to help us." Thor answers. "Loki, Percy and I have just returned from Asgard with information regarding what has been attacking Percy." 

"And we believe Aphrodite can help point us in the right direction in terms of who is behind this all and how to stop them." I cut him off.

"Should we move to like the sitting area for this? Or just stay around the table?" Tony looks around at our mostly empty plates. 

"Let's go sit down. She likes being in comfortable places." I think back to the limo all those years ago. 

I'm the first to stand up. My chair making an awkward scraping noise as I stand. Thankfully, Peter and Loki quickly follow my example. We waste no time in going over to sit down. 

I stay standing as Loki, Peter and Thor take the same couch. Clint and Natasha are the next ones to sit on the same couch to the right of Thor and Loki's couch. Steve is quick to join them, leaving the only open couch to Tony and Bruce. Or the Science Bros. Recently, Tony referenced Bruce and himself to that name. 

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