A Gift

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Percy POV

I pull my fingers through my hair as I think about what just happened. Why do they care? I'm a random stranger off of the streets. I freaking tried to kill myself. They barely know anything about me. Heck, I don't even know most of their names.

I honestly just want to go to the beach. But being in the water reminds me of her. Scratch that, everything reminds me of not only her, but them. I can't take it. Even this group reminds me of them. There's even seven of them.

The Fates are cruel. Even an idiot can tell you that (I'm the idiot by the way). They have been giving me crap to deal with for my entire life. And when I was finally happy, they took it away.

I wiped a tear from my eye and tried to swallow a panic attack. I shouldn't be thinking about them. I need to get out of this room.

Maybe I should ask that British voice thingy.

"Um... Jade? Wait, no, it was something else."

"Are you refering to me, sir?" I jumped, "My name is Jarvis, what can I help you with?"

"Please don't refer to me as sir, makes me feel old. I need to get out of this room, where is the best place to go?"

"Most of the Avengers hang out on floor 70. Would you like me to call for them to help you get there?"

"No thank you. I can get there myself. Thank you Jarvis." I said politely

"I will light up a path to the elevators if you would like." Wow, he thinks of everything.

"Sure, that would be great."

Lights lit up on the floor, just as Jarvis suggested. Now time to follow them.

I tossed the remaining blankets off of me and grabbed a leg. With one fluid motion, I swung it off the bed. I repeated the same step with the other leg. This is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.

Now, how to get onto the floor. I probably just need to fall. So I did just that. A soft thud sounded when I landed. Presently, I am now army crawling the best I can to the door.

An eternity later, I arrive at the elevator. I have a new problem, I can't reach the button.

"Sir," Jarvis's calm voice calls out. "Do you need me to summon the elevator to you?"

I was so out of breath, I just nodded. Hopefully he can see that.

A few seconds later, the elevator dings. I army crawl into it, and again, I can't reach the button.

"Jarvis, can you take me to floor 70 please?"

"Of course."

Before I can fully catch my breath, the elevator arrives. I army crawl out of it and almost run into Loki. He's looking down at me with an amused look. Something was blocking me from seeing who else was here.

"Rock of Ages, what's so funny?" A new voice entered. I think it's the guy who was there when I woke up.

Loki shot him a glare, "I asked you not to call me that."

"I will call you whatever I want to call you. You never answered my question."

"I just find it amusing that our friend, Percy, crawled all the way here."

"What are you talking about?" He started to walk over to where Loki and I are, then I heard a sigh followed by, "Percy, why did you ask Jarvis to come get one of us?"

I roll my eyes, even though he probably can't see it.

"No need to roll your eyes Percy. How about this, if you accept our help, I will give you a present."

I roll over so I can actually see him, "Depends on what you mean by help and what you are giving me."

Tony places a hand on his chin to think, "I can't tell you the gift, but it comes along with you can ask us to do anything you want. For the helping part, you gotta let us in and help you get better."

I bite my lip, I can't let them in. They will only get hurt just like them. If I'm the reason for more deaths, I might not make it.

Then again, I need to do something. And I have nowhere to go. My mom and Paul are gone and so are my friends. I can't go back to the camps. I told the gods to stay out of my life. I have no one.

"Okay, deal."

The man let out a genuine smile, "Let's go to my lab."


"Wait, what time is it?" I asked.

"It's about five a.m. Why?" The man, who I found out was Tony, answered.

"I just took me a lot longer to get to floor 70 then I thought it would."

Javis butted in, "Sir, you did pass out three times, but no longer than twenty minutes each."

"It seems he respected your wishes not to tell us." Loki said while holding me up.

The three of us are currently in an elevator heading to Tony's lab. Bruce made me eat something before we left. He and the other Avengers were sitting and eating breakfast. I refused to eat the waffles because they weren't blue. When they asked why, I became really sad thinking about my mom. After that, I just took an energy bar of some sorts and Loki and Tony started to take me to their lab.

Now, Loki and Tony are chatting away. They seemed to have some sort of hate for each other, but they are becoming good friends now.

As we get close Tony keeps getting even more excited. This gift must be very important to him.

"We are almost here, kid. You're going to love this." Tony states excitedly as he opened the door to his lab.

Tony is so much like Leo. He has his jokes and is inventive, yet has a darker side that gets covered by jokes. He drowns himself in alchol just like Leo did with his work.

"You gotta close your eyes." Tony says, "No peeking!!"

I roll my eyes and then close them for Tony; he is such a kid.

Loki stays next to me as Tony goes to get the surprise.

"You can now look!" His voice calls out.

I slowly open my eyes to this wheelchair that is floating. There's arm rests and your legs can sit seperate. There's little jets holding it up the chair and a small control on the near the end of the right arm rest.

"Woah" Is all that I can say.

"That is quite impressive Tony." Loki says, "For Midguard, of course." I don't even have to look at him to know he is smirking.

"C'mon kid, you gotta sit in it! Reindeer Games, bring him over here, he has to try it out."

Loki slowly brings me over and positions me to sit on the chair, then lets go of his hold on me.

The chair is extremely comfortable and fits me perfectly.

"Tony, this is fantastic. Thank you so much." I give him a small smile. He deserves it.   

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