Who You Gonna Call?

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Percy POV

I think Loki and Thor find joy in interrupting my sleep. Thor dragged me out of my chambers to meet with Odin. 

Apparently we are leaving today to go back to Earth and we have to tell Odin what we have found. 

After a week of exploring Asgard and all it holds, Thor, Loki and I found our way back to kneeling before Odin awaiting his judgment. 

"Rise." He commands, "Tell me, Loki, what you have found." 

Loki is the first to rise. He and Thor are back in their Asgardian armor. The gold on Loki's shoulder catches the light just enough to blind me as I stand, "All-Father. We have discovered the Algea are the reasoning behind the attacks." 

Odin sighs, "I have not heard that name in a long time." 

"But you have heard of it, Father?" Thor questions, his cape flowing behind him as a silent burst of wind comes through the room. 

"Yes." He shakes his head, looking off in the distance. "It has been hundreds of years. If they are truly back, you must take care of them before more destruction comes." 

"But how?" It's my turn to voice my questions. 

"I swore not to say. You all must return to Midgard immediately. Heimdall will know of your coming."  

"Good bye, for now, Father." Thor nods to his dad. He then turns, his cape hitting me in the leg, as he heads for the door. 

Loki doesn't say much. He makes eye contact with Odin. No doubt it's a silent conversation. But it seems to end well. Loki smiles slightly and Odin doesn't seem as stern looking. He too heads for the door, with Thor. 

All too soon, I'm standing alone in front of Odin.  

I pause for a moment, staring off onto the ground. Then I stare into his one good eye, "Thank you, All-Father, for welcoming me into your realm." 

"Percy, young hero, be kind to yourself. You are welcomed here any time you wish to come." 

I offer him a small smile and walk to join Thor and Loki. 

"Percy! Do you now know your way around the palace?" Thor slaps me on the back once we are out of Odin's presence. I believe he means it to be a pat, but sometimes he doesn't know his own strength. 

Loki laughs, "Thor, he has only been here for a few days. No one could know their way around the palace." 

I shake my head, "I disagree, I can lead us to the stables so we can get to the BiFrost." 

"It is a challenge then." Loki smirks, "Let's see if it can be done." 

I wasn't lying about knowing my way around. But to be honest I don't remember the way to the stables. But I have an ace up my sleeve. All I have to do is listen for the horses thoughts. 

Much to Loki's dismay, I lead us to the stables in less than five minutes. 

Let's just say that taught Loki not to bet against me. 

After another five minutes, we arrived to Heimdall. His golden armor, a different color from Loki's, always caught my eye. I could tell by one look, his eyes have seen everything the worlds have to offer. And they probably have. 

"Thank you Heimdall for bringing us here." Thor greets him, "Please, return us to Midgard." 

"It will be my duty, Odinson. Be careful while on Midgard. Hardships await you all." Heimdall meets each of our eyes. 

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