Strength Building

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Percy's POV

"Who's Hazel and Frank?" Bruce questions. The newspaper is now laying on the table and he stares straight at me. His eyes piercing right into my soul.

I looked at him perplexed. How did he not see and hear them? They are sitting right next to him!

I glance at Hazel and Frank however they are no longer there.

"It doesn't matter." I mutter as I take a seat.

I don't make eye contact with Bruce. I can tell Steve sends Bruce a questionable look.

Thankfully, a plate full of blue pancakes slide in front of me. I can't help but feel a little lighter. Blue food will always be a good reminder.

Loki, Thor, and Steve joined us at the table but I barely paid attention as I dug in.

I was half way through my pancakes when they ambushed me.

"So Percy, we were thinking," Steve started out.

"Oh gosh" I muttered softly.

"We wanted to do some strength training." He continues, "We believe there is a chance that you can walk again."

Loki dishes himself a few pancakes not caring about what we are talking about.

I can't help but put my fork down.

"It will take a lot of work." Bruce states.

"However, Young Hero, we know you can accomplish it." Thor says.

"Why would I want to do this?" I ask defensively.

The God of Lies speaks up, "We know how much you do not enjoy being in that wheelchair. You like the freedom that comes with being able to walk."

Well, he has a point. But do I really want to do this?

I take Riptide out of my pocket and twirl it around in my lap as I think. Thor is almost done with his sixth pancake when I make my decision.

"I'll try."

"Great, it seems like everyone is done eating. So let's head to the gym."


We get stationed around to metal bars about four feet up in the air within two feet of each other. The whole purpose of these bars are for me to hold on to them as I try to walk.

Before we even got to this stage, Bruce did some weird tests on me involving this electronical shock thingy. It almost felt like Thalia tried to hit me with lighting again. Or like the time Jason tried to kill me. He would probably want to do so now because of my horrible plan. If I was only a better leader. If I just didn't let the pressure get to me. If I paid more attent-

"Percy?" A voice gently pulls me out of my thoughts. My eyes focus on Loki. "Are you thinking of them?"

I quickly shake my head.

"I'm the God of Lies, I know when your lying."

Thankfully, Steve interrupts our conversation.

"Ready to do this?"


Steve takes my unsure response in full swing. "Okay, so Bruce says that you won't need braces since your nervous system is slowly repairing itself. We are going to see how far you can get today and then do some stretches. Sound good?"

I shrug. I don't feel like moving now. Expecially if I start to walk again, they might ask me to join their team. I don't want to get them killed like the Seven.

"Percy?" Steve says, his arm extended out ready to help me stand.

"Sorry." I mutter.

I grab onto his hand and he slowly starts to pull me up onto my feet. Almost instantly I start to collapse. I guess I'm not used to carrying my own weight.

Thor and Steve help me stand again. Then I'm supporting myself. Well, with the help of the bars.

I struggle taking the first step. I can hardly move my right foot up, much less bend my knee.

I'm sweating as I get my right leg down for the first time. I didn't even properly walk. I move like moved my hip up and forced it forward.

By the time I take two more steps, I'm ready to collapse again. My arms are shaking and I'm covered in sweat. If Annabeth were here...

With that thought, I lose all of my focus and fall.

Steve rushes foreward and grabs ahold of me.

"That should be enough walking for today. That was great Percy." Bruce congratulates me.

I don't feel accomplished. I barely even walked. Why am I even doing this when the gods can heal me?

Oh yeah, I asked them to leave me alone. More like threatened to tear Olympus down brick by brick if they ever tried to play me or my friends again.

I don't want to call camp either. I let their friends die. I let the whole camp down. I let both camps down.

I don't say anything as Steve helps me over to some mats. Bruce, being my personal doctor, starts to do some weird stretches and massages. I can actually kind of feel it. I'm so used to now not being able to feel anything.

I space out as Bruce does his thing. Thor and Steve disappeared to go spar or something. Loki stayed by my side. I can't help but feel like something is haunting him also. Maybe that's why he wants to help me so much.

Less than an hour later, I'm back in my room. I told them I wanted some alone time. Thankfully everyone left me alone. I'm not used to being around people.

I miss my mom. I miss her. I can't even say her name anymore. I just wish I didn't screw up. Maybe then I wouldn't be plagued by my guilt.

"Percy" Hazel's voice rings.

She's standing next to my wheelchair on the left side. I was to lazy to go lay on my bed.

Her fingers brush on my arm, "You were like my older brother." She states coldly.

Frank appears on my other side, "You helped us. You were our friend."

His voice was like ice. His eyes are no longer the kind ones I knew, they are daggers piercing into my soul.

He, too, grabs ahold of my arm.

"It's your fault! You let us die!" They cry out.

"I didn't mean too." I promise. Tears forming in my eyes.

"We were family!" Hazel's nails cut into my skin.

"We will never accept you again."

"I'm sorry!" I cry. "I never meant for you to get hurt."

"But we did," His voice chilled my bones. "Because of your failure, you have no place with us in Elysium. Not even Annabeth will ever accept you again!"

"No! I'm sorry! Please!" I grab onto Hazel's arm. "Your like a sister to me. Please don't do this."

"If only the feelings were mutual, 'brother'" She spat.

A ding sounded in the room, I looked towards the noise.

"Hey kid, foods ready if you want to come eat." Tony's voice calls.

I look back to Hazel and Frank, but their gone. Again.

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