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Steve Rogers POV

"Avengers..." I begin to say to my fellow Americans. 

"I will not get ready if you say 'Assemble'" Daredevil rudely cut me off. 

Natasha glides over to me from her place next to Clint,"We know the drill, Steve. We will all be ready to go in five." She says unamused as she checks out Daredevil and walks to the elevator. 

I nod, not needing to say anything. Natasha is hard to read but it looks like she has a past with whoever is behind the red mask. Either way, there is a mission to complete. Percy needs to permanently have his emotions replaced. 

What have I gotten myself into? This is madness. 

I join Natasha and the others in the stuffed elevator. We joked back and forth about each others costumes and code names are. Before we knew it, we were fully armored and flying over to the warehouse. 

Percy, wearing bronze traditional Greek armor, stayed silent the whole time. 

"Ready to advance?" I ask over coms. Daredevil nodded back at me. Percy glanced at me with a stern look, almost questioning why I asked. 

I received an affirmative from everyone. After glancing one more time at the building, I give the okay. 

Percy races ahead of me. Almost excited to face these monsters he told us about. And no amount of debriefing could have prepared me to experience these creatures. 

I have seen horrors of World War Two and the damage done by Nazis and the Red Skull. These creatures were surreal.

The smell is what hit me first, it smelled like rotting flesh and death. Immediately bad memories of war came to my mind, like any soldier. 

Percy muttered a few words, "Blemmyae, hellhounds, and Tidy Whites himself." 

I didn't understand the first word but it must describe the pair of eyes now, staring at us after our loud entrance.

A woman type thing stood in front of me snarling. Her eyes were in the place of her brazier and a long pointed nose and orange lips on her sternum. Her shoulders were mismatched and awkward with the rest of her body. She snapped at me revealing a nasty set of death. Acting quick, I nailed her in her chest or face as Tony burst through the ceiling.  

"Well hello there, sexy lady!" He called out to her. Only to have his leg grabbed and tossed through the left side by the Minotaur.

Now this guy is the one who smells. His bright white underwear stood out against his brown hairy man legs and chest.  His horns stood far out from his head and looked razor sharp. 

Percy, who didn't seem to notice Tony, sliced away at a couple of huge black dogs with Daredevil trying to aid him. As I kept swatting the blasphemy thing whenever she ran towards me. 

I looked over to see how the right flank was handling everything. The spider set were dealing with a female with goat legs and a head. For some reasons, this girl also had a cheering uniform on from a local school. 

I ran towards the middle of the building, rolling out of the way of the Minotaur grasp, to activate the bubble holding everything in place. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the monster move towards me. I raise my shield to meet his pounding fist, only for no impact. 

"Haha!" Thor shouts with joy, "I have always wanted to battle with you, Man Bull." 

He swings his mighty hammer a few times to slam it into the monsters face. The Minotaur is thrown back a few feet. He takes a moment to turn to the side and spit then to stand. He does the classic sign of a bull about to run before charging to Thor. 

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