The Truth?

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Percy's POV

I mumble something under my breath and turn over on my side. I pull a makeshift pillow made out of books closer. 

"Percy." His tone is annoyed and yet worried.

"Five more minutes." I curl up in a ball.

If we were ever friends, let me sleep. 

My feet are nudged. More like kicked. The nudge causes my legs to slip from being up by my chest. They move in a direction that unwillingly brings me closer.

"You need to see this, Percy." Loki scolds. "Get up." 

I roll over, thinking there is more to the table, only to fall on my face. Loki laughs. He should be grateful the ground is comfy. Everything in this library seems to be more comfortable than libraries on Midgard. I mean Earth. This place is getting to me. Even though I have spent less than two days here. 

"Ha. Ha. You better hope this is important else you're going to be sleeping with the fishes." I threaten, pushing myself off the light planked wood. 

I approach Loki, who is sitting in a tall, leather chair (at least it looks leather). He has several candles surrounding his makeshift work area. A wrinkled, old book with hand-drawn images sits directly in front of him. It's almost impossible for me to read the page. 

"I believe this matches the descriptions of the creatures we are looking for." Loki brings the book closer to me. 

It takes a few moments to see the beautifully written word, Algea, is spelled out as the title. Other than that, it is the only piece of information I'm about to read. The book is in English, but it is so old and is hand written. Which makes it much harder for my dyslexic brain to figure it out. 

"What are these Algea?" I ask. 

"It says, 'The Algea are spirits of pain and suffering, both mind and body. They are known as personifications of sorrow and misery. Algea gain power after some wrong doing or negative situations. There are three specific Algea: Lupe, she is pain, distress, and grief; Ania, who is grief, distress, trouble, and sorrow; and Achus, ache and anguish.'" He finishes reading the first paragraph or so.

I can't think it all through. It is too much information at once. But deep down it makes sense. Hades said no spirit has left the Underworld and they are all safe. Even if they left and then returned to the Underworld, why would they be able to touch me? The answer was so obvious and yet not this whole time. 

"Percy. You have to remember to breathe." Loki is at my side in less than a heat beat.

What's going on? I don't remember getting to the ground. Loki is kneeling besides me, his face laced with concern. I don't understand what would have caused me to fall. None of the information was that shocking. I should have seen it coming, truly. 

"Percy. I believe the spirits are working through you right now. You need to focus. Think of happy times." I stare right through him. My subconscious steps in where my brain can't. 

Memories of our first quest. Our near escape after finding Aphrodite's scarf and Ares's shield. Being all together for fireworks on the beach. Hugging Tyson. Being with the rest of the Seven as we laugh along with Leo. RED hitting Kronos in the eye with a blue plastic hair brush. 

But then come the sad times. The Princess Andromeda exploding with my friend on board. Falling for days. Torture in Tartarus. Death. So much death. All because I failed as a friend and as a Soldier. 

"You cannot focus on the negative. They thrive on it. Focus on the positive." Loki shakes me. 

I'm back in the Avengers Tower. Tony is showing me my wheelchair and being carefree. Loki helping me around and being there for me. Bruce, who's willing to help me heal on every level necessary. Peter giving me the beloved scrapbook and still being my friend. Thor is always willing to go the extra mile to be there by any means. Natasha being authoritative and a mother-like figure to me, but still willing to go head on if needed. Clint, still willing to play Call of Duty with me. Even after I cream him, every single time. Steve. Where do I start? 

They all are there for me. They have been since the night Bruce brought me in. They have no reason to, but yet they do it anyways. I need to be grateful for them. They are good. They are the light I need. 

I slowly open my eyes, "What was that? I didn't feel that overwhelmed by the information." 

"The Algea were trying to attack again. In a different form. Their best defense was us not knowing who they are. However, we now know. And until we know how to end them, they are going to keep attacking in full force." He shakes his head lightly.  

I can't help but pale a little. "They aren't going to stop?" 

"Not until they achieve what they are looking for." He stands up to full height and offers a hand down to me.

I willingly take it. "What are they looking for? Why would they want to do this to me?" 

"I believe they are doing this for power. They see a young man, a hero," He stares right into my eyes, daring me to say different. "And they see the pain and death he has faced in his life. They see how he has overcome it, and they are jealous. The Algea want this power for themselves. They see how they can feed and become stronger." 

"So I'm just a Happy Meal to them." I feel the disgust rolling off my tongue. "I guess it's more of a Sad Meal..." 

"I am going to pretend I know what that is." He offers up a smile and we awkwardly stand near the desk. The candles are still burning brightly. 

Loki continues, "You should go get some rest. I can request a sleeping potion be brought to your bed to help you sleep. It will insure the Algea or any other god can't interfere." 

"What will you do?" I don't want to leave him alone. 

"I'm going to stay here and do a little more research." He nods towards the pile of books, "Then I am going to head to my own chambers."

I nod, sleepily. The outside world is now dark, the candles providing the only light. 

"Best of dreams to you." Loki waves to me good night. 

I sluggishly walk towards the door. "Good night, Loki. Please don't stay up reading too late." 

"No promises." 


Merry Christmas! (This was actually posted on Christmas Eve, but whatever). 

I hope these holidays are festive and full of love no matter what you celebrate! 

Sorry that I did not update last week, I was dead after my math final. 

I don't know if you care, but I got a 99% on it! 

Enough about me though, I hope your week was great! I am so grateful for you guys. 

I love you all. 

Good night from Loki, Percy, and I. 

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