A Mutant? Sure, Why Not?

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Tony's POV

Steve dived down as soon as we saw Percy start to sink. We quickly moved out of the way so he could pull Percy out of the water and onto the ground.

Bruce and I rapidly pulled ourselves onto the surface ready to prefrom CPR.

Less than 30 seconds later, Steve resurfaces and drags Percy out.

The Jolly Green Giant quickly checks to see if he is breathing. I watch from the background just waiting to see what he says.

Just as Bruce opens his mouth, Natasha cuts him off, "Guys, why is Percy and Steve perfectly dry?"

Bruce pauses then replies, "He's breathing just fine. How is Steve?"

Oh right, we might want to check on Flag Boy.

"I'm fine." He slowly stands up, "How is Perce?"

"He's okay." I answer for Bruce, "I wonder what triggered the panic attack."

Loki and Thor got out of the pool, along with Nat and Clint.

Natasha spoke up, "He must of thought the confrontation was similar to a past event. Possibly something to do with Annabeth."

Thor laughed, "Brother, remember the tale of the time those daught-"

"Thor! This is not our secret to tell. Please refrain from 'blowing it' as Midgardians call it." Loki said cutting his brother off.

"What daughters?" Clint questions.

"It matters not," Loki stated. "However, it is their actions that do. They cornered Percy and made him tell them everything about a date he had with Annabeth."

"This is a very funny story in Asgard!" Thunderhead laughed, again "Poor Percy was so flustered and confused. He never saw them coming."

"That seems..." Steve started out.

"Interesting." Clint finished. It's obvious that the God of Lies wasn't telling the full truth.

"Okay gang," I say.

"We aren't a gang, you idiot" Natasha whacked my head.

"Ow! It's just a term!"

"An obnoxious one" Clint muttered.

"Wow I'm feeling the love. Gang." I smirk.

"Guys, let's go back to floor 70. If Percy wakes up with all of us surrounding him in a perfect circle, he's going to think we are doing some freaking thing to him" Bruce speaks up, stopping World War III.

We all grudgingly walk into the elevator. Natasha looks ready to murder me, just because I used 'gang'.

I can't help to roll my eyes at her, which ends up with me being punch in the back. Hard.

"Natasha! Why the freak did you just hit me?" I face her angrily.

"I felt you roll your eyes. Plus I felt like it."

"You were behind me! How did you know I rolled my eyes?"

That earned me another hard punch.

"That, Tony," She said sickly sweet, "was for admiting you rolled your eyes at me."

Steve clears his throat, "Um, guys, could you not have a punching war while we are all in the elevator?"

Natasha sent him a death glare and was about to punch him when the doors opened.

"Thank goodness" Bruce breathed out.

I ran out of the elevator and found the perfect hiding place from Nat. I didn't wait to see Thor carry Percy in. Nor did I see Loki watch me all the way to my hiding spot.

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