Words Are Power

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Tony POV

"I don't know what to do" Bruce runs his fingers through his hair. 

The Avengers sit in one of the various living rooms all feeling the despair in the atmosphere.

"What do we know?" Steve stands up from his location by the arm of the couch next to Natasha.

"He's been having flashbacks." Natasha speaks up after a minute of silence. She looks up at Steve with a protectiveness in her eyes. 

Thor's eyes light up, "Which would explain why he left the tower." 

"Right, and why he has been out of it." I'm surprised to hear Clint was the one to speak up. Recently, he's been observing more. 

"This is all good," Capsicle speaks. "Jarvis, could you compile our list on the screen." 

"Of course, sir." 

All of our finding are typed out on TV by Jarvis. Whoever made him is brilliant. 

"We also know these flashbacks are the result of some sort of war." Natasha points out. 

Wait, didn't Thor mention something about a war? 

"Thor, when you first met Percy, you said something about tales of a war he was involved with. What was that about?" 

Thor glances at his brother, who shakes his head slightly.

"We do no know much. All we know that an enemy was rising and it led to a war." 

Loki continues from where Thor left off, "Percy and his friends were called the Seven and were the ones leading the battle. Percy was the only one to make it." Then, he quickly adds, "Chiron told us this much." 

"Loki, it amazes me that you believe we are idiots." Clint speaks up, "You have been speaking with Percy the most. You can pull him out of his nightmares, which means you've seen parts of the nightmares." 

Loki looks strangely calm for someone who is being accused. 

Bruce looks at Loki, "We need to know everything so we can help him." 

Reindeer Games makes eye contact with Bruce, then with each one of us, "I cannot spill secrets and pains that are not my own."

The tension only continued to grow. No one dared to speak up, including me. 

Silence filled the room for several minutes, everyone but me, deep in thought. 

A sharp ring kills the quiet. My head snaps towards the sound recognizing it as the video chat.

"Who's Charles Xavier?" Loki asks.

"I contacted him to look into Percy's DNA to see if it has mutant genes." Bruce speaks up.

Natasha says, "He is basically the leader of the good mutants called the X-Men." 

"What's DNA?" Thor asks innocently. 

I can't help but smirk and answer the call. 

"Xavier, glad you finally called. Ready to become an Avenger?" I tease.

"Tony, the grownups need to talk." A voice off camera comes through as the video loads. 

Logan comes into view along with Xavier. They seem to be in his office at the school. 

"Ha ha. Real funny." 

The TV acts as a screen while a camera is positioned on top to capture all of us. It's a lot like Skype or Facetime, but without all of the glitches. The camera's field is wide enough to capture all of us sitting on the couches. Steve took a seat next to Natasha. 

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