Night Swims

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Percy's POV

I need to cool down before I punch something. I know Tony meant no harm in giving me a nickname. I'll take any name except that one. Only she can call me that. And since she's gone, no one can address me with those two words.

I get into the elevator and sulk. Not about being mean and threatening the people taking care of me, but because I didn't get to finish my blue coke. Apparently, Steve loves it too. So Tony has it made for him, just like he bought everything Bruce might ever need when it comes to lab equipment.

The doors were about to close when a certain Spider jumped in.

"Hey Perce, hope you don't mind." He says a little too cheerfully.

I shrug not really caring, "Sure, it's no big deal."

We awkwardly stand (well I'm sitting) listening to Staying Alive for elevator music. The doors ding open and Peter follows me to my room. I knew he wanted to talk to me.

I position myself so I'm right in front of my door, "You need something Peter?"

"Percy, I wanted to give you something. I've been meaning to give it to you ever since we had that beach trip with Mary Jane and your girlfriend."

He holds out to me a beautiful ocean themed scrapbook, "You don't have to look at it now, but inside are all the pictures we took on that trip."

I bite my lip and take gently it into my hands as if it could break at any moment.

"Thank you, Peter. I need a refresher on some good memories." I try and give him a smile, but I know it's nothing close to one.

Peter nods and walks back towards the elevator, I open the door to my room.

"Percy, I know this past year has not been the best for you. And you have lost a lot of friends. Just know that we can help and we want to be your friend. But we need to know what happened that way things like what happened between you and Tony tonight, don't happen. We just want what's best for you."

I don't make eye contact, "I don't know what's best for me. That's the problem."


I'm in the pit.

Annabeth is watching as I get burned on my torso. Their logic is to use the oposite of my "element" to hurt me. They also love to drop me into water and slowly poison it.

I try not to scream in pain from the heat. I do know that hot tears are streaming down my face.

Annabeth is calling out to me, but I don't want her to get a single scar from this. I know that it's inevitable, but the less she has the better.

I look at anything but her as it continues to burn. Suddenly, cool water pours over it.

They aren't satisfied that I didn't scream for them to stop. I should have, maybe then they wouldn't do worse. Why does Tartarus have to be so cruel?

He believes we have information about how we are going about the war. Annabeth tried to tell him that we barely had a plan after we got to Greece. She got ten lashes for that. Ever since I've taken hers.

"So young heroes, are you ready to tell me your plans?" Tartarus's cruel voice enters our chambers.

"We wouldn't tell you even if we had one." My voice sounds like a squeaky toy.

That earned me another 10 lashes.

"Try again!" He singsonged.

"We don't know what the rest of the Seven are planning!" Annabeth shouted.

"That's not good," He tisked. "Never shout at your captures."

He grinned evily and slowly approached both of us.

I shoot forward.

"Just a dream. Just a dream. It's no longer here." I rock myself back and forth.

Everything is getting tight. I need to get out of this room. I need to leave.

I roll out of bed and try to get into my wheelchair but only fell and hit my head.

Pain just brought back more memories. I just lay where I am and try to breath. I can't handle a panic attack right now.

Somehow I manage to get into my wheelchair and down to the pool. The water will help me think. It always does.

I park myself right next to the waters edge and I command the water to grab me and ease myself out of the wheelchair.

I bring myself to the deepest end and just lay on the ground. I take a huge breath and close my eyes.

"Percy!" A voice shouts.

I jolt awake, just to find myself floating above the water in the air. "What the..."

A chuckle comes from the same voice that awoke me.


"I guess the tales are true. You do make a habit of sleeping in the depths." He smirks.

"It helps me sleep."

"Of course. Demigod dreams, I hear, are just the worst. Thankfully I don't experience them."

"Um Loki, could you put me back in my chair?"

He chuckles again, "Yes, I can"

Slowly I'm put into my wheel chair and wheel myself so I'm in front of Loki.

"You do know the others would not approve of your nightly swims." He points out.

"This is the only thing stopping them for now. So they will have to deal with it."

"How about, I'll make an illusion that way they don't know and don't get mad at you?" Loki offers.

"I know how gods work. What's in it for you?"

"If you come here, you need to talk about your dreams with me. It could be right after it happens or later in the day. You just need to tell me."

I ponder on it then say, "You do not want to know they horrors I face in my dreams."

His smirk falters, "I know you have faced many evils during the last war. I have faced many of the same evils myself. I do not want you to suffer as I have, my friend. I promise I am not lying."

Not skipping a beat, "Swear it on the river Styx."

"I swear" Thunder sounds outside sealing the deal.

"I promise, Loki, I'll do my best to talk about my dreams with you."

"Thank you Percy. Now since that is taken care of, would you like to come eat some breakfast with Thor and I?"

"Only if there is blue waffles."

"The only waffles we have now are blue."

He walks next to me as we go to the elevator and travel to the 70 floor. Thor and Steve are both working together to make waffles. Bruce is sitting at a table reading the newspaper. I guess everyone else is sleeping.

I approach the kitchen, "Can I help?"

Steve response first, "You can help by sitting next to Bruce and relax."

I murmur a disagreement, but so anyways. I slowly wheel over to Bruce when two heads of brown and black hair catch my eye. They are both sitting next to Bruce talking between themselves.

They feel my stare and lift their eyes to meet mine.

"Hazel? Frank?"

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