Follow the Spiders...?

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Percy POV

I do not want to be here. I want to be in the Underworld with my wise girl. That stupid doctor shouldn't have saved me.

Now I'm stuck in with these so called heroes in a stupid tower. The doctor is following me everywhere and won't let me out of his sight. I can feel everyone watching me. There's this weird guy with arrows and a girl in a cat suit that look over every once in awhile during their game of Call of Duty. They are sitting five feet in front of the TV while I am sitting on a couch facing it about ten feet away. Blondy and his brother are sitting on the seats on either side of the couch. Blondy has been carrying me everywhere since I don't have a wheelchair yet. Apparently there is some kind of flag man in the gym working out.

They still haven't introduced me to everyone so I have no clue who everyone is. I'm pretty for sure I'm with the group called the "Avengers" (who think they saved the world). The flag man must be Captain America, I've grown up hearing tales about him. Besides him, I have no idea who anyone else is.

A flash of red suddenly swung into the room. We were on the 50th floor of the Tower. I quickly pulled out my pen, that was somehow still in my pocket, and looked at the potential threat.

It was holding six pizza boxes and though its mouth was covered, it said, "Hey guys! I brought dinner."

Arrow man jumped up, "Awesome! Spidey, you are my best friend."

Everyone slowly got up and went to the kitchen that was just to the left of where we were sitting. Of course, since I couldn't move, I had to stay where I was.

"What is this pizza you have brought?" Loki questioned the spider guy. The way he said pizza almost made me smile. It sounded so foreign on his tongue.

"You haven't tried pizza, man! What is wrong with you?"

"I am new to Midgard, you mortal."

The only woman in the group quickly grabbed a slice and went back to her game as the boys started to argue about what kind of pizza was better. It was mostly Blondy, Arrow dude, and spider guy. The spider guy still hasn't taken his mask off. He seems to be their friend. But there is something about this dude that seems familiar but I can't place it.

I am so zoned out I barely hear spider guy.

"Hey, do you want some pizza?" He is still over by the kitchen counter, but is looking over at me. I nod not wanting to speak. I just turn Riptide over in my hands while thinking on how I know this kid.

Then it hits me. It's Peter Parker, we go to the same high school. We are even in the same grade. I used to go hang out at his place all the time before the second war. Now, I haven't even seen him until now.

He walks over and hands me my plate, "Here you go"

"Thanks Peter." I say casually looking directly into where his costume has his eye holes.

"What... I'm not Peter... I'm Spiderman" He deins. Its obvious he's lying.

"Give it up Peter, you're not fooling anyone." A new voice says. I look in the direction it came, it must be Captain America.

Peter sighs as he pulls off his mask, "How did you know Perce?"

"You're voice gave you away. We've know each other since we were little. Maybe you should look into a voice changer or something." I say softly. I don't feel like talking a whole lot.

After being asked a few questions, they got the hint I didn't want to talk about my past. I quietly nibble on my pizza not eating more this half of one slice. Maybe if I can't die of poison, lack of food will surely kill me.

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