How To Kill A Pool

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Tony POV

Jessica left in frustration. She realized that we were no help and walked out before we had a chance to talk some sense into her.

"Well this got a lot more complicated." Clint muttered while standing up. "I'm going to make a sandwich. Do you guys want one?"

We all reply no in some form. Katniss just shrugs his shoulders and walks over to the fridge to get his ingredients.

"So what now?" Bruce questions us.

"Maybe we should check on Percy. Just to make sure he's okay. Jarvis seems to be having a bad day." Steve suggest.

"Good idea." I snap my fingers and point at him. "Who wants to go check?"

No one volunteers. We are all too tired to go see him apparently.

"I ca-" Thor begins but gets cut off by the video chat system ring.

"Xavier is calling us again?" I ask aloud.

Nevertheless, I still answer it within seconds.

"Tony. Where is Percy? Is he alright?" The professors voice carries over a wave of concern and fear.

"We were about to check on him. Why what's wrong?" Natasha asks keeping her voice even.

"Wade Wilson just reached out. I believe he witnessed Percy falling into the Hudson from a terribly high height."

"Who took him there?" Loki finally seems intrested.

"That's the strange part. Wade said it was Thor."

We all look at Thor like he grew another head.

"Maybe it was Kilgrave?" Bruce suggests.

"Whatever the reason, you need to find the kid. Wade said the kid seemed unharmed." The Professor's concern for kids was clearly evident through his concern for Percy.

"Will do. Do you have a location?" I respond. There's no time for jokes.

"Yes. I will forward it to you. I wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you." I mean it too.

"Before you go, I found a connection between Nico and Percy."

Natasha and Bruce lean forward, intrigued.

"The DNA that we can not identify, it's different for the two boys. However, the DNA is similar to what it would be for brothers..."

"Which means Percy and Nico's fathers, are brothers. They are cousins." Bruce finishes.

"That's a step closer to finding out what this all means." Steve, always the optimist.

"So please, go make sure Percy is alright. Maybe he can help us figure all of this out." Xavier asks us, "Contact me when you find him. Thank you."

"Thank you for the information." With that, we conclude the call.

"Let's all go check on Percy." By now Clint has returned with a glorious BLT sandwich.

"Wait, what are we doing?"

"Clint, the sandwich can wait. Percy is in danger." Thigh Crusher crushes Katniss's spirit.

"B-but my sandwich is perfect." His shoulders slump and tries to put on a puppy face. But Natasha is too strong.

She pulls the sandwich from his hands, "Let's go."

Natasha leads us all to the elevator and we head up.

The elevator was awkward as always.

"Remind me to find better music, guys." I mutter.

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