The Beginning of the End

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Peter Parker POV

Mr. Stark and Natasha left about an hour ago to go meet Daredevil. Loki and I got side tracked in pranking some people but I took it too far with Thor. I'm excited to see Daredevil again. He's a pretty cool dude. I ran into him a while ago and we quickly agreed that I would stay out of his part of the city. Something about Daredevil being worried about me because I'm a kid. But I'm not a kid.

Loki and I are bringing Percy to the swimming pool. Currently, we are standing in the elevator awkwardly. 

"So, um, Loki..." I start out. 

"What is it, child?" He is clearly annoyed with me

"Why will this work?" 

"What do you mean? He is the son of the sea god, water heals him." 

"But last time, he had to in the sea to heal him fully..." I mutter not wanting him to be mad at me. 

By now the stuffy elevator opened its door. Loki moves Percy from his floating position behind us forward as we walk. The pool room is warm and humid. The water glimmers as the light shine off of it making me want to jump in myself. 

People think that just because I'm Spiderman, I don't like water. But really, I thrive in it. I often visited the sea with Percy during the school year. He was busy during the summer, which I now know it was because of life-threatening quests. I wish he told me sooner that way I could have helped some way. 

"Mortal, are you going to help me?" 

"Oh come on, dude! I thought you were done calling the Avengers that word. You are stuck with us right now." 

"You are right. I think I am going to call you peasant now." He rolls his eyes and moves Percy and him closer to the edge of the water. 

"Whatever..." I roll my eyes and walk closer to them and the water. I really hope this works. 

In a blink of an eye, Loki drops Percy into the pool causing a large splash. We watch as Percy's body slowly starts to sink before floating back to the top of the water. 

It takes a second for Percy to open his eyes, "Was that really necessary?" he pulls himself out of the water. 

"Yes, it was, my friend." Loki rolls his eyes and takes a step away from us. 

"It's good to have you back, bro." I smile at him then turn to Loki, "Why is he your friend and I'm a peasant?" 

"How do mortals say it? It's because I feel like it." He glares at me. 

Percy runs a hand through his dry hair and offers us both a smile, "Dudes, chill. You're both very pretty but you're not my type." He makes direct eye contact with both of us, "Let's go back upstairs and meet with everyone else." 

Without another word, we all walk over to the elevator and are shortly back upstairs. 

"Well isn't it the pranksters?" Bruce raises a cup of coffee up to us as we walk into the room. He has another one in his hand and gives it away to Natasha, who is chilling on the couch. Clint is actually not playing video games for once. He and Steve are studying a few different maps of Hell's Kitchen and they are having a conversation with someone in a Bluetooth headset. Thor is the one playing Call of Duty for once. 

"Don't mind the boys," Natasha references to Clint and Captain. "They just received word of where Morr is and they are coming up with a battle plan with Fury." 

"I think I need to mention something else that is a part of my world," Percy speaks up. 

"Let's go talk to them then." I shrug and walk over there. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Loki sit down next to Thor. 

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