Chapter 1

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[11:47pm] 972-345-4322: Hey Princess

[11:55pm] Y/N: Who is this?

[11:56pm] 972-345-4322: Can't tell you ;)

[11:58pm] Y/N: And why is that?

[11:59pm] 972-345-4322: You might not like me then

[11:59pm] Y/N: Are you a girl or a boy

[12:00am] Y/N: Cause if you're a boy I defiantly won't like you then

[12:01am] 972-345-4322: And why is that?

[12:03am] Y/N: Cause I'm gay as fuck

[12:04am] 972-345-4322: Well i'm most defiantly NOT a boy ;)

[12:07am] Y/N: So you're a girl right?

[12:07am] 972-345-4322: Correct

[12:09am] Y/N: Is that all you're going to give me

[12:10am] 972-345-4322: You can call me Anonymous

[12:11am] Y/N: Okay...

[12:12am] Anonymous: Maybe one day i'll give you my name, once I know you like me.

[12:13am] Y/N: So...

[12:14am] Anonymous: You're so beautiful

[12:14am] Anonymous: Sorry I've just always wanted to say that to you

[12:15am] Y/N: Wait you've seen me before?

[12:16am] Anonymous: I've seen you everyday for the past seven years

[12:17am] Y/N: That's just a little creepy...

[12:18am] Anonymous: Sorry but I'm just telling you the truth

[12:19am] Anonymous: You have the most perfect (Y/HC) colored hair

[12:19am] Anonymous: The prettiest (Y/EC) Colored eyes

[12:20am] Anonymous: You're perfect in my eyes

[12:22am] Y/N: You got me blushing over here

[12:23am] Anonymous: Really?!

[12:25am] Y/N: Yes

[12:26am] Anonymous: Holy hell I just made the Y/N L/N blush

[12:26am] Anonymous: I'm like screaming right now

[12:27am] Y/N: And here I thought you were a bad ass

[12:28am] Anonymous: I am totally a bad ass

[12:29am] Y/N: Sureeee

[12:30am] Y/N: Well it was nice talking to you but I have to get to bed, school tomorrow :/

[12:30am] Anonymous: See you there :)


Should I continue with this, I'm think of starting up this one while I do the Camila/You one so I can have something to do this summer

Let me know what you think... :*

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