Chapter 5

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[1:35am] Y/N: I really wish I could meet you, I could use a hug

[1:37am] Anonymous: I will Baby, if you have a blindfold.

[1:38am] Y/N: Okay I just really need one

[1:45am] Anonymous: Open your window there is a blindfold.

[1:46am] Y/N: Okay I'll get it give me a minute to put it on and then come a give me a hug, I just had a bad day and you can make it better

[1:47am] Anonymous: I see you have your blind fold on, I know you can't read this but I'm coming in Baby


Anonymous POV:
I opened Y/N's window and crawled in, I saw her sitting on her bed with the blind fold on she looked so sad I wonder why, maybe something happen while I was on my bathroom break.
I slowly walked towards her, trying not to make a sound.

She was sitting there in her big black baggy t-shirt and some short shorts, she also had the red blindfold on.

As I slowly walked the few feet I had left, she shuffled on the bed obviously feeling my presence in her room.

Once I finally made it to her I sat down on her bed right next to her, I felt her shift to face me and next thing I knew her arms were being know around my shoulders and she buried her face into then crook of my neck, I wrapped my arms around her and I felt her lean onto me putting all her weight on me.
She started to cry, I wanted to say something so bad but she would remember my voice and she then would probably know who I am, so that's a no no.

"T-thank you" she whispered knowing I wouldn't reply.

I just nodded my head at her words and just held her till she stopped crying and fell asleep.

Once she was tucked into her bed I slipped out of her window and went back to watching her from afar.

[7:23am] Y/N: Thank you for last night

[7:25am] Anonymous: It's no problem, anything for you

[7:26am] Y/N: You smell really good too, Almost like Banana's

[7:27am] Anonymous: Why thank you sweets

[7:30am] Y/N: I miss you holding me :(

[7:31am] Anonymous: And I miss holding you and I wish I could do it everyday but we're not ready for you to see us yet

[7:31am] Y/N: One day?

[7:32am] Anonymous: One day.

[7:32pm] Y/N: Us? We're?

[7:32am] Anonymous: I have waited for the day to be able to hold you or even to give you a little hug, and I can't wait for the day to were I'd be able to do it daily.

[7:34am] Y/N: I can't wait for you to be able to hold me daily even thought you are a little creepy I don't really care anymore you make me feel special <3

[7:37am] Anonymous: Holy fuck

[7:37am] Y/N: Wut?

[7:38am] Anonymous: You send me a heart

[7:40am] Y/N: You're truly something else Anonymous

[7:41am] Anonymous: :3

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