Chapter 20

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[5:34pm] Anonymous: We are on our way princess

That was the only message i have received for a while now, I have no clue which one sent it but that doesn't really matter.

I'm pacing in my room, waiting for them to arrive and wondering how they are going to get inside my house since... Well no one is home my parents are away in a trip and I have no siblings so yeah they could come in any way they want, I locked the door but I know they can pick the lock so I just might as well unlock it for them.

I walked down to my front door and unlocked it but right before I unlocked it the door knob started to turn and the door slowly started to open, I jumped back and ran to my room, they were probably right behind me but oh well.

When I reached my room I shut my door behind me knowing it was useless but I was just a little bit scared of them, I know they have good intentions but having 5 stalkers can be quite scary and then to have them all come into your house is even more scary.

I sat in my bed and faced my door and waited for the five people to enter.

After a couple minuets I heard footsteps on the other side of the door that's when I started to freak out, like what if they all looked scary as hell and I scream when they walked in then like what if they murder me, by now I was hyperventilating, I was scared of what they would do to me if they saw me I this state deep down I knew they would never hurt me but right now I wasn't think rationally.

The door swung open and in rushed five people, they ran to my side, I notice that they all have masks in but they where just plain black, that calmed me down a bit and I couldn't see their faces but I didn't really mind.

I felt a pair of strong arms pull me into to their chest, stroking my hair as the did so.

By now I was all calmed down and was just in this persons arms as four others watched, then the person who was holding me decided to speak

"You alright princess" the person rasped out, oh shit it's the possessive one who's name starts with Lau, the only reason I know that is because she called me princess.

I slowly nodded against her chest then I felt her kiss the top of my head.

"Hey! I wanna give her a kissy too" one if the girls said, wait I think that girl is the one who I've met before, the girl with the brown eyes and brown hair, I looked up and I locked eye with the girl who just spoke, she smiled at me and slightly nodded as if she read my mind.

I stood up and was pretty much surrounded by all of the girls, well I think their all girls.

I wiped my eyes and spoke.

"So" I started " Could y'all each tell me the nicknames y'all call me so I can kinda know who's who?" They all looked to each other and nodded.

"You're pumpkin for me" the shortest of the girls spoke with a slight southern accent

"You're my baby girl" The tallest one said as she walked closer to me trying to give me a hug which I gladly accepted, we pulled away and I was pulled into another persons body.

"Mine" the voice rasped out, oh I see miss Lau is getting possessive on me.

"Princess is my name for you" she  in my ear giving it a slight kiss as she did so causing me to shiver.

I stayed in their lap while the other told me their nicknames,

"You're my sweetheart" the one with the blue tips said

"And you're are my baby" she then walked over to me and gave me a big hug, she smelled like bananas, Same as last time

After banana girl aka the one I met before pulled away I look at their covered faces and smiled thinking that one day they will reveal themselves to me.

"So..." They all looked up at me "it's my turn"

"Your turn for what princess?" Lau rasped into my ear

"To give y'all nicknames" I said loud enough for them all to hear me.

"Oh okay go ahead princess" she said motioning for me to get off of her lap so she could stand up.

"Okay" I started "you are Lolo since your name starts with an L" she nodded and kissed my cheek

"Thanks princess" I nodded

"You are blue" I pointed to the girl with blue tips and she nodded

"Thanks sweetheart" I kissed her cheek  and Lolo pouted so I kissed hers as well cause her to smile and it was a big smile cause I could see it threw her mask.

"You are biggie" I pointed to the tallest girl he nodded and muttered 'are you sure you're not a harmonizer?' I almost didn't catch what she said but I was defiantly a Harmonizer I mean who doesn't love fifth harmony?

"Thank you baby girl" she raised her fist and motioned for me to bump her fist which I did

"You are smallz" I pointed to the smallest girl "so we have Lolo, blue, biggie and smallz so far" they all nodded while banana girl waited anxiously for her name, in think of calling her bananas or something like that.

"And last but not least we have banana" then suddenly all the other girl busted out in laughter while me and banana sat their confused.

"What?" I asked them

"Banana? Really Y/N?" Lolo asked

"What? She smells like bananas" I said as I looked at banana, she smiled and nodded silently telling me that she liked her name.

I'm sure if I gave Lolo the nickname banana she'd love it but who knows I like the name banana

I was holding on to Lolo's hand but I let go and walked over to banana and held her instead, I could tell that made her mad, maybe she doesn't like sharing she did say that she saw me first.

Lolo walked over to me and picked me up and walked back over to the bed and placed me down

"Mine" she said again and wrapped her arms around me causing all the other girls to look jealous, maybe they were scared of Lolo that's why they never said anything to her or tried to take me away from her, maybe she gets crazy jealous and will cut a bitch or something like that.

Through the day Lolo was by my side the entire day, maybe she was the one who first texted me, maybe she is the one who's known me for seven years, who knows?

It was about time for them to leave and that's when I finally looked into her eyes, they were the gorgeous green eyes I had seen before

If it's confusing I'm sorry, I tried my best lol :)
But know all five of your stalkers have nicknames do you know who's who?

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