Chapter 40

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[2:34pm] Y/N: So Dinah we still up for that date?

[2:35pm] Dinah: YES

[2:36pm] Dinah: How about tomorrow?

[2:36pm] Y/N: Sounds perfect

[2:37pm] Normani: Can we do my date the day after hers?

[2:38pm] Y/N: Yes :)

[2:39pm] Normani: Yay I'm going to get planing

[2:40pm] Camila: I'm still fourth :)

[2:41pm] Y/N: That you are babe

[2:42pm] Ally: I'm still third right?

[2:42pm] Y/N: Yes baby you are

[2:43pm] Ally: BABY sldjfalkjfklj

[2:45pm] Lauren: Well I'm still last so I'm still the best

[2:46pm] Camila: Who?

[2:47pm] Lauren: Me

[2:47pm] Camila: Cares

[2:48pm] Y/N: Be nice

[2:48pm] Camila: Sorry lolo

[2:48pm] Lauren: :)

[2:50pm] Dinah: Okay dawg I'll pick you up for our date tomorrow at 7 :)

[2:51pm] Y/N: What do I wear?

[2:51pm] Dinah: Casual :)

[2:52pm] Y/N: Okay cool I gotta go :)

[5:52pm] Y/N: See ya later babes :*


Short little chapter

tomorrow I might post a date or two :/


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