Chapter 23

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[3:37pm] Anonymous: Hey sweetheart

[3:38pm] Y/N: Hey blue

[3:40pm] Anonymous: Ah I see you remembered me

[3:41pm] Y/N: Of course I would

[3:42pm] Y/N: Did you think i'd forget?

[3:43pm] Anonymous: Well I mean you have been talking to lolo a whole lot we thought you've already forgot about us

[3:45pm] Y/N: It's not my fault lolo doesn't like me talking to y'all, she says i'll find out to much talking to y'all...

[3:46pm] Anonymous: Like just because she's liked you longer doesn't mean shit you know?

[3:48pm] Y/N: Yes I understand where you're coming from.

[3:49pm] Anonymous: Okay now I gotta give the phone to banana so byeee sweetheart

[3:50pm] Y/N: BANANA

[3:50pm] Anonymous: Damn you didn't get that excited when I texted you :(

[3:51pm] Y/N: Sorry blue :3

[3:57pm] Anonymous: HALLO ITS BANANA

[4:07pm] Anonymous: Baby?

[4:10pm] Y/N: Sorry i'm cooking dinner :3

[4:11pm] Anonymous: YOU'RE MAKING PIZZA??!?!?!?!

[4:13pm] Y/N: How did you know?

[4:14pm] Anonymous: Lolo hacked your cameras and we are watching you duh.

[4:15pm] Y/N: How often do y'all watch me?

[4:20pm] Anonymous: All the time baby, more then you would even know

[4:20pm] Y/N: Oh.

[4:21pm] Y/N: So...

[4:22pm] Anonymous: When we reveal ourselves will you make me some pizza?

[4:23pm] Y/N: If you want me to I will

[4:24pm] Anonymous: YES

[4:24pm] Anonymous: Baby?

[4:25pm] Y/N: Yes?

[4:27pm] Anonymous: I have to go and everybody wants to have a chance to say bye so here's biggie

[4:30pm] Anonymous: Hey baby girl

[4:31pm] Anonymous: I just want to say hi for today since I won't be able to really talk to you till tomorrow

[4:32pm] Y/N: HEYYY BIGGIE

[4:35pm] Anonymous: Okay baby girl I have to let Smallz talk to ya byeeee

[4:36pm] Y/N: Bye Biggie

[4:42pm] Anonymous: Hey pumpkin

[4:43pm] Y/N: Smallz could I ask you a question?

[4:45pm] Anonymous:Go right ahead

[4:46pm] Y/N: Why do y'all all have to leave at the same time?

[4:47pm] Anonymous: We have... book club

[4:50pm] Y/N: Oh okay...

[4:51pm] Anonymous: Sorry pumpkin but I have to let Lolo talk to you before we leave or she'll bite my head off

[4:52pm] Y/N: Okay Smallz talk to you tomorrow :)

[4:53pm] Anonymous: okayhereshecomesgottablastbyeeeeeee

[4:54pm] Y/N: Hey Lo

[4:55pm] Anonymous: Good evening princess

[4:55pm] Y/N: Why do you call me princess?

[4:57pm] Anonymous: Many reasons, most that you don't remember though...

[4:59pm] Anonymous: I gotta go now princess talk to you tomorrow

[5:00pm] Anonymous: Oh and I let your precious Zachary go.

[5:00pm] Anonymous: Bye princess, just don't talk to Zachary he won't tell you anything

Anonymous NumberWhere stories live. Discover now