Chapter 13

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[8:36am] Anonymous: Y/N You better start talking to us again.

[8:37am] Anonymous: You'll regret it.

[8:38am] Anonymous: I swear Y/N we will punish you for this

[8:39am] Anonymous: Y/N.

[8:40am] Anonymous: I'm coming to your house

[8:48am] Anonymous: I don't care if you're awake or not I'm here

[8:55am] Anonymous: I'm in your room and you're asleep

[8:56am] Anonymous: Not really sure why I'm still texting you


I woke up to my phone going off.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

I grabbed my phone and typed in my password, unlocking it an going to see the messages I had received.

[5:38am] Mom: We left for the airport , see you in two weeks :)

Wow mom you could've woke me up and told me goodbye

I had about 8 messages from Anonymous, I haven't been talking to her very much cause you know she's like getting a little to creepy for my taste.

I read threw the messages and my blood went cold, she was in my house, what the hell do I do my parents aren't here anymore the left for London early this morning.

As I sit on my bed I hear a thump coming from my wall I turn around to face the wall and I continued to hear the thumps, by now I'm scared shitless I'm home alone and I'm hearing noises.

I grab my phone and text Anonymous.

[9:12am] Y/N: Please

[9:13am] Y/N: You're scaring me

[9:15am] Anonymous: Sorry princess

[9:16am] Anonymous: I'll come out now

I heard a rattling sound and my closet door swung open and out came a person dressed in all black and had a mask on, they walked up to me and stood right in front of me, staring me down, looking into my eyes and damn if I may say she has some nice eyes.

I knew she wouldn't take off her mask, even if I had asked but at least she stopped scaring me.

She probably had a voice modifier but I'll still try and talk to her who knows maybe she doesn't

"Hello" I said

"Hi" a soft voice said, I could tell they were nervous.

"Why are you here?" I asked and I noticed that the atmosphere changed, it was tense

"Because you weren't answering me" she gritted threw her teeth

"Sorry" I mumbled

"You better be" she said with a sign, I can tell it's easier to talk like that way to me over text message then in real life.

"It's easier over text right?" I asked

"What's easier?" She cocked her head to the side

"Being threatening" she straightened her head and just looked at me "it's a lot harder in person right?"

"Everything is harder when it involves you princess" she turned and exited my room shutting the door behind her.

"Well then" I just laid back down and thought about what just happen, mostly thinking about her gorgeous green eyes

Wait... the girl who visited me before didn't have green eyes... is there more than one of them? Maybe that's why they always say 'we' 'us' and 'we're'

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