Chapter 4

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[9:58pm] Anonymous: I don't like you hanging out with Zachary.

[10:00pm] Y/N: I didn't mean to he was just there

[10:01pm] Anonymous: You didn't have to talk to him

[10:02pm] Anonymous: You know he has a crush on you, so why would you do that?

[10:03pm] Y/N: I'm sorry but he's just a friend

[10:05pm] Anonymous: Good because you're mine.

[10:06pm] Y/N: Says who?

[10:08pm] Anonymous: Says me.

[10:08pm] Anonymous: And whatever I say goes.

[10:12pm] Y/N: Thank you for the flowers today, they were beautiful

[10:14pm] Anonymous: You're very welcome, I'd send you flowers everyday if I could but then I'd be broke, but I'd go broke for you

[10:16pm] Y/N: You're to sweet

[10:16pm] Anonymous: So I'm not creepy anymore?

[10:17pm] Y/N: Oh no sweets you're still creepy

[10:17pm] Y/N: Just a little but I know you mean well :)

[10:20pm] Anonymous: That I do, I just want you safe

[10:21pm] Anonymous: Remember back in 2013 when that man tried to hurt you?

[10:23pm] Y/N: Yes, and that masked person saved me...

[10:24pm] Y/N: That was you wasn't it?

[10:25pm] Anonymous: Correct

[10:26pm] Y/N: Thank you

[10:26pm] Y/N: I know It may be weird for someone to thank their stalker but you saved my life, so I thank you

[10:27pm] Anonymous: I'd do anything you for princess

[10:30pm] Y/N: We're you okay after that, I remember that the person who helped me got hurt, but you ran away right after you knocked the guy unconscious

[10:32pm] Anonymous: I was fine, just a little scratch

[10:34pm] Y/N: Well for a little scratch it sure was bleeding ALOT

[10:35pm] Anonymous: I promise I was fine, it didn't even hurt

[10:35pm] Anonymous: But I do have a gnarly scar now

[10:36pm] Y/N: You shouldn't be getting hurt because of me

[10:37pm] Anonymous: Don't worry about princess, I will always be fine as long as you're safe.

[10:39pm] Y/N: Okay

[10:40pm] Anonymous: Okay.

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