Chapter 8

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[7:28pm] Anonymous: I see that Zachary asked you out today

[7:28pm] Anonymous: And you were good and said No so pumpkin you get a reward :)

[7:30pm] Y/N: What's my reward?

[7:31pm] Anonymous: Look under your bed


I set my phone down and got off of my bed, bending over to look under the bed.

Once I could see clearly under the bed I noticed that there was a large box hidden behind some of my things, I reached under and grabbed it, once I place the large red box on top of my bed and examined it, it had a note taped in the top.

I took off the note and opened it and began to read.

I hope you enjoy this gift, you've been really good lately Pumpkin so here ya go :)

After I read the note I set it aside an lifted the lid off of the box and set it in my bed, when I took the lid it revealed a laptop, why would she give me a brand new laptop?

I quickly pulled out my phone and it revealed a few more messages

[7:35pm] Anonymous: So Pumpkin you may be wondering why a laptop?

[7:36pm] Anonymous: Lets just say I know you've been wanting one so why not treat my Pumpkin and buy her one

[7:37pm] Anonymous: And if you miss behave We'll take it away.

[7:38pm] Anonymous: Any questions or concerns?

[7:39pm] Y/N: How did you get into my room?

[7:40pm] Anonymous: I have my ways.

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