Chapter 28

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[7:27pm] Lauren: So you now know the truth about us

[7:28pm] Y/N: Yep

[7:30pm] Ally: You're not going to fan girl when we meet are you

[7:31pm] Y/N: Nope, I've already met y'all so it won't be any different

[7:32pm] Normani: We won't wear masks this time

[7:33pm] Normani: Right Lauren?

[7:34pm] Lauren: Right.

[7:35pm] Lauren: I'm still scared that you won't like me :/

[7:36pm] Y/N: You have nothing to worry about I'll like you all

[7:37pm] Dinah: Dawgs chill Y/N Likes us and thats all that matters

[7:39pm] Normani: True

[7:45pm] Y/N: Where's Camila?

[7:45pm] Camila: Here

[7:47pm] Y/N: So...

[7:50pm] Lauren: Who else are you texting?

[7:52pm] Y/N: Oh my friend jason

[7:53pm] Y/N: He's gay so don't worry :)

[7:54pm] Dinah: Though we was gonna have to give someone a beat down

[7:59pm] Y/N: No beating's needed

[8:00pm] Lauren: Just let us know if anyone ever messes with you and we will be over there so quick

[8:00pm] Lauren: I'll fucking kill them

[8:02pm] Ally: Chill lo no one would even dare to mess with Y/N

[8:03pm] Lauren: Okay, Okay

[8:10pm] Dinah: Okay baby girl we gotta go get ready for a show... Talk to ya later :3

[8:11pm] Camila: BYE BABY

[8:13pm] Normani: Bye :3

[8:14pm] Ally: Have a good night pumpkin

[8:15pm] Lauren: Love you


Not the best and pretty short but :3

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