Chapter 27

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[9:33pm] AnonymousBlue: Sweet Heart?

[9:34pm] AnonymousBiggie: Where is she she hasn't messaged us all day

[9:38pm] AnonymousBanana: Did you notice that three of our nicknames start with B

[9:40pm] AnonymousBiggie: No I didn't captain obvious

[9:40pm] AnonymousBanana: :(


[9:42pm] AnonymousSmallz: Dang chill Lauren

[9:42pm] AnonymousLolo: YOU ARE SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[9:43pm] AnonymousLolo: SHE KNOW'S MY NAME NOW!!!!

[9:43pm] AnonymousBlue: Chill Lauren she may not even be reading these

[9:43pm] AnonymousLolo: QUIT SAYING MY NAME

[9:45pm] AnonymousBlue: Sorry Lo

[9:47pm] AnonymousBiggie: AYE YO RALPH!

[9:55pm] Y/N: It all makes sense now...

[9:56pm] AnonymousLolo: WHAT!?

[9:57pm] AnonymousLolo: Please tell me you don't know who we are

[9:57pm] AnonymousLolo: Please

[9:59pm] AnonymousSmallz: Sorry for saying your name in the first place

[10:00pm] AnonymousSmallz: I ruined it all

[10:01pm] AnonymousLolo: It's okay Ally

[10:01pm] Aonymous: SMALLZ I MEANT SMALLZ

[10:02pm] Lauren: lksjdalkfjljfdjl FUCK

[10:03pm] Ally: She probably already knows who we are :(

[10:04pm] AnonymousBiggie: She sure is typing a lot...

[10:05pm] AnonymousBlue: Lets just wait for her...

[10:10pm] Y/N: Well for starters I was catching on like c'mon there's five of you, you're traveling, one of you smells like Banana's, one you of you is really short, one of you has gorgeous green eyes, the blue tips and the tall one. Lolo is Lauren Jauregui, Banana is Camila Cabello, Biggie is Dinah Jane Hansen, Smallz is Ally Brooke Hernandez and last but not least Blue is Normani Kordei. and if i'm totally wrong please forget I said anything...

[10:11pm] Lauren: Dammit

[10:12pm] Normani: Fuck

[10:13pm] Camila: Oh man :(

[10:13pm] Dinah: Baby girl is smart

[10:14pm] Ally: Dinah is right, we couldn't of kept this from her forever she would've figured it out sooner or later, she's a smart girl.

[10:15pm] Y/N: So you're tellin me that I've know Lauren Fucking Jauregui since I was young!??!?

[10:16pm] Y/N: Why didn't you guys just tell me?

[10:17pm] Lauren: You'd think of me differently.

[10:18pm] Y/N: Babe I could never think of you differently

[10:18pm] Dinah: Uh why does she get to be called 'babe'?

[10:20pm] Y/N: it slipped sweet cheeks

[10:21pm] Dinah: ljalkjfjfalkj SWEET CHEEKS KSKDJL

[10:25pm] Ally: So you're like cool with this?

[10:26pm] Y/N: Having 5 beautiful girls watch every move I make?

[10:26pm] Normani: Yeah...

[10:27pm] Y/N: I'll think about it

[10:30pm] Lauren: So what do you think of me, since you know you said you can't think of me differently...

[10:31pm] Y/N: I ain't tellin babe

[10:31pm] Camila: I WANNA HAVE A NAME TOO!!!


Sorry for the wait but you finally figured out who your stalkers are, took you forever but YAY

Anonymous NumberWhere stories live. Discover now