Chapter 33

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[11:00pm] Y/N: Three more days LAJDLKJ JAKLD J DL

[11:01pm] Y/N: What if you all don't like me in person?

[11:01pm] Lauren: Well we were best friends that kiss and shit so I think i'll like you in person, wait scratch that I'll love you in person

[11:02pm] Y/N: I'm not the same 11 year old girl, the accident changed me

[11:03pm] Lauren: And we'll love you not matter what

[11:04pm] Dinah: That's true

[11:05pm] Y/N: I may love you guys but if you every get bored of me please tell me, don't cheat

[11:06pm] Ally: Pumpkin we would never

[11:06pm] Lauren: I'd never do that to you

[11:06pm] Lauren: Cross my heart

[11:07pm] Camila: Same

[11:08pm] Normani: On another note

[11:10pm] Normani: What do you guys wanna talk about other then Y/N's doubts

[11:11pm] Camila: How about what we're going to do when we meet Y/N face to face this time

[11:12pm] Lauren: I'm going to hug her

[11:13pm] Y/N: That's all I get Jauregui just a hug no kissy?

[11:14pm] Lauren: 0-0

[11:15pm] Normani: Get it Jauregui

[11:16pm] Dinah: We will all give you a kiss

[11:17pm] Normani: Yup

[11:18pm] Camila: Yay

[11:19pm] Y/N: :)

[11:20pm] Lauren: Can I kiss her first?

[11:20pm] Ally: Sure

[11:21pm] Dinah: Whatever floats your boat

[11:22pm] Lauren: Okay

[11:25pm] Y/N: You guys want a selfie?

[11:26pm] Lauren: YES

[11:26pm] Dinah: Hell yeah

[11:27pm] Camila: YAYAYAY

[11:30pm] Y/N: *Insert Picture of you*

[11:31pm] Y/N: It's only fair since you guys sent me one yesterday

[11:32pm] Y/N: Guys?

[11:39pm] Y/N: :(

[11:45pm] Lauren: *is currently dead*

[11:45pm] Y/N: Oh that's why you guys aren't responding

[11:46pm] Y/N: *kisses Lauren*

[11:46pm] Lauren: *comes back to life*

[11:47pm] Lauren: Thanks princess

[11:48pm] Y/N: *kisses Camila*

[11:48pm] Camila: *Comes back to life*


[11:48pm] Y/N: *Kisses Dinah*

[11:49pm] Dinah: *Comes back to life*

[11:49pm] Dinah: Thanks dawg :3

[11:50pm] Y/N: *kisses Ally*

[11:51pm] Ally: *Leaves Church*

[11:52pm] Ally: I had to pray for forgiveness for the thought I had when you sent that photo

[11:52pm] Y/N: 0-0

[11:53pm] Normani: *Cough* *Cough* Still dead here *Cough*

[11:53pm] Y/N: Right!

[11:54pm] Y/N: *Kisses Normani*

[11:55pm] Normani: *Comes back to life lookin flawless*

[11:56pm] Normani: Thanks sweetheart

[11:57pm] *Winks at all*

[11:58pm] Lauren: *Dies*

[11:58pm] Camila: *Dies*

[11:58pm] Dinah: *Dies*

[11:58pm] Ally: *Dies*

[11:59pm] Normani: *Dies*

[12:01am] Y/N: Not this again :(


Lol I already know how I'm going to end this :)

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