Chapter 39

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[9:48pm] Lauren: I am suddenly running

I looked up only to see a running Lauren and Camila, Dinah, Ally and Normani slowly following behind.

I was soon engulfed into Lauren's arms, shortly after the rest of the girls joined in on the hug.

"Hey princess" Was whispered in my ear

"Hi Baby!" Was shouted

"Baby Girl" Was also shouted along with 'Pumpkin' and 'Sweet Heart'

After a couple minutes they finally let go of me and allowed me to breathe, once the all spread out I got a real good look at them, and god they were beautiful.

"You okay there?" Normani asked and I nodded not really able to form words at that moment.

"You sure princess?" Lauren asked

"Y-Yeah fine" Shit I stuttered I hope none of them will catch that

"You stuttered, what's wrong?" She asked again

"Nothing" I shook my head with a smile and they all nodded "So what do you guys wanna do?" I asked them and they all looked like they were thinking.

"We could play a game?" Camila suggested

"We could make out" Dinah suggested and Lauren hit her saying that she still had the first kiss, Ally suggested that we go out to eat but we decided against it due to the fact that people would recognize them and we didn't want to be mobbed while eating.

Normani suggested that we just chill and watch a movie in the bus, which won my vote so everyone else agreed too.

We all piled into the bus and Lauren, Camila and I took up the couch while the rest had to sit/lay on the floor.

"What should we watch?" I asked looking over all the girls

"Lets watch a horror movie" Lauren suggested

Camila and I immediately shook our heads, I know I was to scared to watch a horror movie and I'm pretty sure Camila was too, I really hope we don't have to watch it I mean I most likely wont even be watching it, I'll just be hiding.

We ended up watching the horror movie, right now we were half way through it and I was scared shit less.

Camila and I were cuddled up in Lauren's side since she was in the middle of us while she was lost in the movie, lucky her.

The whole time the movie was playing I kept looking over at Camila and Lauren and in my head I kept shouting Camren, it's kinda funny but if Lauren could read my thoughts she'd kill me so I better stop.

After the movie ended Camila went to her bunk and left Lauren and I alone on the couch, but Dinah soon jumped on the couch to talk to me.

"So Y/N..." She started "When are you and Lauren gonna kiss?" she said with a cheeky smile "Cause I still really wanna kiss you"

"Well-" Lauren cut me off by grabbing my face and pulling me into hers, locking our lips in a sweet kiss.

She pulled away with a dazed look and a smile on her face, You could her Dinah, Normani and Ally cheering and Camila even stumbled out of her bunk to see what happen, soon after she found out what happened she jumped and cheered also, I guess they were happy that they can now kiss me as well.

"There I did it happy?" She said with a blush on her cheeks

"Very" I whispered

"Yay now I can kiss our girl " Dinah shouted then covered her mouth cause she said it so loud i'm pretty sure people outside could here.

"Yes now you can kiss me" I was soon pulled into her lap and her lips were pressed against mine, it was a sweet little kiss but I didn't mind, it was mice like Lauren's was.

That night was full of kissing and cuddling and a few other things, Lauren call dibs again and this time it was that I was going to sleep with her, not in that way like we were going to actually sleep in her bunk.

Lets just say that night I had a good night.

The next morning I woke up to kiss being planted all over my face, I opened my eyes while giggling and say two girls hovering over me with smiles on their faces.

Camila and Ally were the ones to wake me up, I smiled at them they each gave me a peck on the lips and you know in my head I thought this was kinda weird I mean how can they not get jealous of one another, I know I would even if I did agree to share but them they didn't even look a little bit jealous, its really weird.

I got out of Lauren's bunk and went into the kitchen were everyone was, Ally was cooking breakfast while Normani and Dinah were talking about some random concert they went to together, Camila was watching Tv and last but not least Lauren was just sitting there, probably thinking but who knows?

I went and sat on the chair next to Lauren and nudged her a little, she looked up at me and smiled before leaning in to give me a peck on the lips.

"Hey princess how are you?" She asked, when she asked that all the other girls turned and saw that I was awake and quickly greeted me before turning back to what they were doing leaving Lauren and I to talk.

"I'm good how about yourself?" She just shrugged she shoulders

"I've just been thinking" she whispered


"You know that one day you'll have to pick one of us right?" I was looking down at my hand but quickly look up at her and she gave me a sad smile

I knew it wold end up coming down to this, I really wish she hadn't brought it up cause I don't like to think about it, I know that one day they will get tired having to share me and one of them will want to to themselves, that's when it will all fall apart, what we have right now is great but it's going to be hard to maintain, I have five girls to tend to and I will have five girls tending after me.

"I know... Can we not talk about this?" I asked and she sadly nodded

What if I just leave and don't come back?

I'm sure they look for me but they won't find me.

No, I can't do that to them, I love them to much to do that it won't only crush them it would hurt me to.

I guess when everything falls apart I'll just have to pick one of them

A/N: I'm thinking of ending this book soon, I still have all there dates to write out and stuff but after that It's gonna end soon...


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