Chapter 38

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[9:23pm] Y/N: You guys almost at the bus?

[9:23pm] Y/N: It's cold

[9:24pm] Y/N: And scary out here

[9:24pm] Y/N: Please hurry up or at least text back :/

[9:25pm] Lauren: Sorry princess we will be running late, the code to get on the bus is 2012


[9:29pm] Lauren: You can thank me later ;)

[9:30pm] Dinah: Oh shitttt Ralph grew some balls

[9:31pm] Y/N: Sorry babe but this won't work out if that's the case

[9:32pm] Lauren: NO no no no no no nono nonono nono no

[9:33pm] Lauren: She was kidding right Dinah

[9:34pm] Dinah: I don't know I gotta have a look

[9:35pm] Lauren: NO

[9:36pm] Ally: Dinah...

[9:37pm] Dinah: Dawg I was kidding

[9:38pm] Camila: Yeah that's gross

[9:38pm] Lauren: Why am I gross :(

[9:39pm] Y/N: You're not gross babe

[9:40pm] Y/N: Even if you were i'd still love you

[9:41pm] Normani: Would you still love me if I was gross?

[9:42pm] Y/N: Yup

[9:42pm] Ally: Me too?

[9:42pm] Y/N: yup yup

[9:43pm] Dinah: Even me dawg?

[9:44pm] Y/N: You're already gross but I love you anyways ;)

[9:45pm] Camila: Would you love me if I was a banana

[9:46pm] Y/N: Even if you were a banana

[9:47pm] Y/N: Enough with the sappy shit and hurry up and get here i'm lonely

[9:48pm] Lauren: I am suddenly running

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