Chapter 49

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Alyssa and Megan came to pick me up the next morning, I told my parents that I had some problems I needed to solve and asked for a week off and they surprisingly agreed. Right now Megan, Alyssa and I were heading towards the closest beach for some girl time, which was much needed.

We rented out a hotel on the beach not wanting to have to go back and forth form our houses to the beach, and so the girls wouldn't show up unexpectedly, well I haven't told my best friends about the girls just yet well for one the are harmonizers well sorta they like them but aren't like crazy fans, they even went to there concert a few years back.

I decided that now was a better time then any to explain my situation the my friends and let them know why I needed to get away for a while.

"Guys?" I said in a quite tone

"Yeah?" They responded in unison

"I'm ready to tell you guys what's going on" I said

"Finally I've been begging for the whole time we've been in the car" Megan over exaggerated

"Dude we've been driving for ten minutes" Alyssa said causing Megan to roll her eyes

"Whatever" She said leaning back in her chair then turning her attention to me "So why is it we are going to spend the week at the beach even though we live twenty minutes from it"

"Well you see what happened was one day I received an anonymous text message..." I told then the whole story well except for who the girls are I just referred to them as 'The Girls', it took me a while and by the time I finished Alyssa had already parked the car and turned around to face the back where I was at.

"Dudeeee" Megan said with a chuckle

"Megan stop" Alyssa hit Megan over the head causing her to stop

"So who are these 'The Girls'?" Megan asked exaggerating 'The Girls'

"Fifth Harmony" I mumbled

"What was that, you were mumbling" Alyssa said causing me to look down at my hands

"Fifth Harmony" I said a little louder causing them the gasp

"As in Fifth Harmony the girl group?" Megan stupidly asked

"No as in Fifth Harmony the lizard" Alyssa said sarcastically

"Well excuse me" Megan raised her hand surrendering

The car fell silent, well that was until Megan opened her big mouth again.

You wanna share Ally with me?" Megan joked, Alyssa and I both slapped her over the head

"Sharing got me into this mess" Megan rolled her eyes

"Well if you don't pick her i'm gonna go in a win her heart" She said causing me to roll my eyes

"Could I do the same with Camila cause she's a babe" Alyssa said and I just shrugged, knowing that it probably won't happen and that they're just trying to lighten the mood.

After our talk we went out to the beach and clear our minds, this was much needed I could actually relax and the girls weren't on my mind the only thing I was thinking of was how beautiful the beach was or how I got sand here and there.

The next few days I had received tons of message's from the girls asking if I was okay and why wasn't I at home or at school but I just left them on read, I know that's rude but I just can't talk to them right now.

We had left for the the beach on Monday and it was not Thursday, I had three more days til I had to tell the girls my answer.

I already had my answer I was just now trying to figure out how to tell them, it was going to be tough.

It was Thursday evening and I decided to take a walk on the beach, while walking my phone was constantly ringing, probably the girls it's not Megan or Alyssa cause their ringtone is different.

I continued my walk until it was time to turn back, that's when I saw a group of girls sitting on the beach.

Once I got closer I could tell that it was them, I could hear what they were talking about, they were talking about me.

"What if she's not safe?" Normani questioned

"She's fine I know it" Ally reassured Normani by place a hand on her shoulder

"Will we still be friends after she picks?" Lauren asked wiping her tears

"Of course nothing can break us up" Camila said in her usual happy tone

"As long as she's happy right?" Dinah said resting her head on Normani's shoulder

"As long as she's happy" The rest said in unison, don't they think its weird when they do that it creeps me out.

Well i'm happy as long as I don't ruin their friendship over my decision because if it does I won't pick anybody.


Next chapter is the last one before the epilogue, I'm pretty excited to write the epilogue so be ready :) it should be out in a few days

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