Chapter 36

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[1:34pm] Y/N: Guys I meet you later today

[1:35pm] Dinah: Yup Can't wait baby girl

[1:36pm] Y/N: Can I wear My 5H shirt?

[1:37pm] Y/N: Bro I feel like my life is a fanfiction rn

[1:38pm] Lauren: Yes wear whatever you want, and why do you feel that way princess?

[1:39pm] Y/N: Cause freaking Fifth Harmony is talking to me let alone like me and i'm about to meet them and go on dates with them

[1:39pm] Camila: Okay true

[1:39pm] Normani: Wait Mila how would you know?

[1:40pm] Camila: No reason it's not like I sometimes read fanfiction

[1:41pm] Dinah: Of course Mila would lol

[1:41pm] Y/N: It's okay babe I read fanfiction to

[1:42pm] Camila: :)

[1:43pm] Ally: Okay on another note

[1:43pm] Ally: Who's going to take Y/N on a date first and when?

[1:44pm] Dinah: I CALL GOING FIRST

[1:45pm] Normani: ME SECOND

[1:45pm] Ally: I'll go third

[1:46pm] Camila: Then meh

[1:49pm] Lauren: BEST FOR LAST HA

[1:50pm] Dinah: Wow Ralph really?

[1:51pm] Normani: You just gonna do us like that?

[1:52pm] Ally: ANYWAYS

[1:53pm] Ally: We will start the dates tomorrow since today is the end of the tour and you know we are like free and stuff

[1:54pm] Y/N: Okay good cause i'm free all week and next week and the next

[1:55pm] Y/N: Damn I really need to get a life

[1:56pm] Y/N: Okay well I gotta go get ready for later see you guys later :*

[1:56pm] Dinah: bye dawg

[1:57pm] Normani: Love you

[1:57pm] Ally: see you later pumpkin love you

[1:58pm] Camila: BYE BABY

[2:07pm] Lauren: I love you princess :)


Okay for the dates should I do one long chapter or five separate chapters????

Next part will be up tomorrow

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