Chapter 26

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*Time jump, Only one more month till the your stalker's get back from their 'trip' and also read the authors note at the end:)*

[7:27pm] Y/N: Only one more month till I find out who ya'll are!

[7:27pm] AnonymousLolo: Yay...

[7:28pm] Y/N: Are you not excited :(

[7:30pm] AnonymousLolo: Of course I am, just a little scared

[7:31pm] Y/N: There is no reason to be scared Lolo :3

[7:34pm] AnonymousLolo: Remember when I said I've known you for like 7 years?

[7:35pm] Y/N: It was a long time ago but I do remember

[7:36pm] AnonymousLolo: I Lied

[7:37pm] Y/N: :(

[7:40pm] AnonymousLolo: I've known you longer...

[7:41pm] AnonymousLolo: but you don't remember me

[7:42pm] Y/N: So you knew me before my accident?

[7:43pm] AnonymousLolo: Yes we were young...

[7:44pm] Y/N: How young

[7:45pm] AnonymousLolo: Since diapers

[7:47pm] Y/N: Then why weren't you there when I recovered?

[7:50pm] AnonymousLolo: They said you wouldn't remember me so I saved my self the heartbreak

[7:50pm] AnonymousLolo: Well not really, It still hurt like a bitch

[7:51pm] Y/N: I'm sorry

[7:52pm] AnonymousLolo: You have nothing to be sorry for princess, you didn't see the car.

[7:53pm] Y/N: Will you tell me why you call me princess?

[7:55pm] AnonymousLolo: When we were younger we played prince and princess, I was always the prince and you were my princess, even when we weren't playing i still called you princess the name just stuck.

[7:56pm] Y/N: Oh

[7:57pm] AnonymousLolo: Sorry if it's weird.

[7:59pm] Y/N: Sometimes I get these flashes of memory but the faces are blurry and one time it was of me and a little girl playing and then we liked kissed, was that you?

[8:00pm] AnonymousLolo: Yes that was me

[8:00pm] AnonymousBanana: YOU GOT TO KISS Y/N!?!?

[8:01pm] AnonymousBiggie: No fair dawg

[8:02pm] AnonymousBlue: Yeah no fair

[8:03pm] AnonymousSmallz: Now children lolo did say she knew her longer we just didn't know she knew her that much or that Y/N was in an accident and lost all of her memory.

[8:03pm] AnonymousLolo: Fuck I didn't realize we were in the group chat

[8:03pm] AnonymousLolo: You guys weren't suppose to know all that

[8:04pm] AnonymousBiggie: To bad dawg we can't like erase it from our memory

[8:04pm] AnonymousBlue: Yup

[8:05pm] AnonymousLolo: We have to go Y/N I have to talk to them about something

[8:06pm] AnonymousLolo: And asking your mom about me won't help she sworn to me that she wouldn't ever mention me

[8:07pm] AnonymousBlue: BYE Y/N

[8:07pm] AnonymousBiggie: BYE

[8:10pm] AnonymousSmallz: Have a goodnight

[8:10pm] AnonymousBanana: Night wuv u

[8:30pm] AnonymousLolo: Love you Princess


Okay I'm going to go back and edit my story, add parts and change part to make it fit because I know it was kinda confusing in the beginning and then BAM you had five stalkers so I need to change it to were it's a little more noticeable like all the personalities, I know this story is alot about Lolo and that is only because she's like your main stalker and that's one of the reason why I need to go back and edit... sorry if the note was confusing but i'm going to start and finish doing that tomorrow so after tomorrow feel free to re-read the story and see the difference :3

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