Chapter 30

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[6:47pm] Y/N: Y'all good?

[6:48pm] Camila: What do you mean?

[6:50pm] Y/N: I mean like yesterday y'all like freaked out and left me cause I called y'all babe :/

[6:52pm] Lauren: Yeah we're good :)

[6:53pm] Y/N: Are you sureeee

[6:55pm] Dinah: Yes dawg we is sure

[6:56pm] Lauren: *Are

[6:56pm] Dinah: Yes dawg we are sure, better?

[6:57pm] Lauren: Much :3

[6:59pm] Normani: SO...

[7:00pm] Normani: Six more days

[7:01pm] Ally: Yup! Can't wait

[7:03pm] Lauren: I'm still going to shit myself

[7:03pm] Lauren: Not literally though

[7:05pm] Camila: Okay good cause that'd be really gross

[7:06pm] Lauren: How about when we get there we each take you out on a date?

[7:10pm] Ally: YES

[7:11pm] Dinah: Like we each get our own day with Y/N?

[7:12pm] Lauren: Yeah

[7:13pm] Camila: I'm in

[7:14pm] Normani: Same

[7:15pm] Dinah: Same Same

[7:15pm] Y/N: Okay :)

[7:17pm] Lauren: You cool with this princess?

[7:20pm] Y/N: Yes babes I'm 'cool' with it :)

[7:27pm] Y/N: Shit

[7:27pm] Y/N: I shouldn't of said that

[7:45pm] Y/N: Babies come back

[7:46pm] Y/N: You can blame it alllll on meeeee

[7:59pm] Y/N: Pls come back I am lonely :(

[8:00pm] Lauren: ANNNDDDD We're back :3

[8:03pm] Camila: At least warn a girl before you do that

[8:03pm] Y/N: Sorry won't do it again

[8:05pm] Lauren: Please do it more

[8:06pm] Y/N: But y'all always leave me :(

[8:07pm] Lauren: I swear we will work on it :)

[8:07pm] Dinah: Please baby girl?

[8:09pm] Y/N: Okay babes

[8:09pm] Y/N: It feels so weird saying babes instead or babe lol

[8:10pm] Ally: I would understand lol

[8:12pm] Camila: If you had to pick one of us who would you pick? (A/N: Who would you pick?)

[8:13pm] Y/N: I'm not answering that

[8:14pm] Normani: Why?

[8:15pm] Y/N: I feel like i'd be choosing favorites which I pretty much would be if I said an answer and I don't do favorites

[8:17pm] Lauren: True

[8:19pm] Y/N: Okay guys I gotta go, dinner

[8:20pm] Dinah: Peace baby girl

[8:20pm] Camila: BYE BABY :AJLSJDLJ :)))))

[8:21pm] Ally: Talk to ya later pumpkins ;)

[8:22pm] Normani: See ya sweetheart

[8:37pm] Lauren: Love you princess :)

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