Chapter 37

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Today was the day, I was going to meet the girls, face to face.

I know that we've meet before but they had masks on and this time I'm like going to see their faces and such.

It was around two in the afternoon, so I decided it was time to shower and get ready.

I took my shower, once done I changed into some black skinny's with my fifth harmony t-shirt and threw on a flannel, I looked in the mirror and decided that I looked good enough and walked out of my room and went to my kitchen.

In the kitchen I grabbed something to eat and looked at my phone to check the time, it was 3:23, the concert started 6 so I needed to leave seeing as the venue was an hour away and with traffic no telling what time I would get there.

I hurried up and finished my food, putting the dish away so my mom wouldn't get mad at me, once finished I walked out to my car and started it and took off towards the venue.

In the car I thought about all the thing that could happen when I get there and if the girls will even notice me in the crowd.


Once I arrived at the venue it was already 5:30, yes I got stuck in traffic for almost an hour, it was crazy.

I looked over to the passenger seat in my car and there was the envelope that the girls had sent me for the show, I took it an opened it for the first time not knowing what they had given me, I only knew that I was like really close to the stage.

When I saw what was inside I freaked, they had given me front row seats with meet and greet passes. They hooked it up.

After about ten minutes of freaking out in my car and people looking at me funny through the window I finally got out of my car and headed inside.

Once inside I found my seat and sat down and waited for the show to start, about thirty minutes later it did.

It's been a while since I was lost for words
Needles and static and stutters
I never knew a love that doesn't hurt
Feeling the heat and the burn

Just give me one good reason
Drop everything and leave it
Seconds away from turning this car back around
Something about your feeling, pushing and pulling me in
And now my walls fall down

Usually fearless, why am I scared of happy?
Usually fearless, why am I scared of happy?
I'm afraid of nothing, I'm afraid of no one
Used to be fearless, why am I scared of happy?
Scared of happy


Once the concert ended it was time for the meet and greet, I walked over to the waiting area and stood in line probably behind at least a hundred people.

Time flew by as I waited to meet my girls, next thing I knew I was next in line.

I could hear their angelic voices from behind the door, I had just about fainted I mean who wouldn't?

"Next!" Shouted a man

Soon I was being pushed inside the room to meet my girls.

Once in the room I saw that the girls were waiting for who ever was next, they had no idea that it was me, they didn't even look my way how rude.

They got into their poses and the photographer took the picture, right as I was about to pull away from Camila pulled me back in and started squealing

"GUYS GUYS!" She couldn't get her words out

Lauren turned with an annoyed look on her face and when she saw me she broke out into a face eating grin, she ran over to me and engulfed me in a big hug.

"Princess I almost thought you wouldn't show" She whispered in my ear and gave it a kiss causing me to shiver

"Aye yo Ralph back off" Soon enough Lauren was picked up and place aside by Dinah who then picked me up and spun me around causing everyone to laugh.

"Oh god I could kiss you right now" Dinah said looking at my lips

"Uhhh no you don't, remember I called dibs on the first kiss" Lauren interrupted

"Dammit" Dinah muttered "Well hurry up and do it cause I wanna give her a kiss right now" Dinah demanded

"But what if Y/N doesn't want to?" She asked clearly trying to stall

"Just kiss me Jauregui" She nodded and walked over to me and cupped my cheek, staring into my eyes

We were so close, our lips almost touching when the door busted open and the guard said that my time was over, Lauren quickly pulled away and my face was red, I nodded and said bye to the girls who then gave me a pass to their bus and told me to meet them there.

I was so pissed at that guard like why did he have to ruin our moment?


Not the best but hey I tried and I will try to put another up maybe later or tomorrow :/

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