Chapter 3

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[6:23pm] Anonymous: Hey baby girl

[6:24pm] Y/N: Hey... Girl

[6:25pm] Anonymous: I would ask what are you doing but I already know.

[6:27pm] Y/N: I feel like I'm getting use to your creepiness

[6:27pm] Anonymous: Oh you are eh?

[6:29pm] Y/N: Yup :3

[6:30pm] Anonymous: So how was your day Baby girl?

[6:33pm] Y/N: Well it was pretty good but I'm sure you already know that

[6:34pm] Anonymous: That I do :)

[6:36pm] Y/N: You're not like gonna kill me are you?

[6:36pm] Anonymous: Never! I would never hurt you.

[6:37pm] Anonymous: I couldn't live with myself if I did

[6:38pm] Y/N: You're like so sweet yet creepy at the same time

[6:39pm] Anonymous: And I will take that as a compliment

[6:40pm] Y/N: I mean it's sweet to like devote your life to making sure in safe but isn't there something better to do?

[6:41pm] Anonymous: Nothing is better then you, even if I had a million lives i'd devote them all to you.

[6:42pm] Y/N: See what I mean?

[6:44pm] Anonymous: See what?

[6:45pm] Y/N: The sweet yet creepy thing

[6:45pm] Anonymous: Yes I see it but I mean I do follow you around and stuff so it is kinda creepy but I don't really care as long as you safe, that's all that matters to me.

[6:46pm] Y/N: I really wish I could meet you in person, I feel like you'd be really sweet in person as well

[6:47pm] Anonymous: One day Baby girl

[6:48pm] Y/N: So how was your day?

[6:50pm] Anonymous: Any day I get to see you is a good day :)

[6:52pm] Y/N: So is everyday a good day since you told me you see me everyday.

[6:53pm] Anonymous: That is correct

[6:54pm] Y/N: Do you ever get bored of watching me?

[6:56pm] Anonymous: Nope never

[6:57pm] Y/N: Hmmmm...

[6:57pm] Y/N: What am I doing right now

[7:00pm] Anonymous: You just got back from the mall with Jessica and right now you're in your room reading a book

[7:01pm] Y/N: What book?

[7:03pm] Anonymous: To Kill A Mockingbird

[7:04pm] Anonymous: Don't even try to look out you window to find me, you won't

[7:05pm] Y/N: How did you know I was going to do that

[7:06pm] Anonymous: you were looking at your window like you were going to try and look for me, even if you did you won't find me.

[7:10pm] Anonymous: Well I had a splendid time watching you but I must go, dinner time :) till tomorrow ~your stalker :3

[7:15pm] Y/N: Good night My sweet stalker :3

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