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A/N:This epilogue is split into 5 parts you chose who you want...

All parts are in the future (5 Years later)

If you picked Ally:

"Y/N!" Ally shouted my name from our living room

"YES?" I shouted back

"Could you come here please" She said in her normal tone

"Yeah hold on" I got up from our bed and walked out into the living room only to find my wife of three years sitting on our couch watching the TV. "What did you need babe?" I asked causing her to look my way then point to the TV.

I looked at the TV only to see Lauren and Camila on the TV, Lauren and Camila officially came out as a couple two years ago and are in love and I'm happy for them that they could find that in each other.

The TV was saying that they are engaged and have a little one on the way, but you never know I'll call then later to see if the news is true.

"You think it's true?" Ally asked

"I don't know it could be but we'll call them later and ask yeah?" She nodded and motioned for me to come sit in her lap in which I did.

"Hi baby" She whispered in my ear

"Hey"I was straddling her with my arms loosely wrapped around her neck.

"Remember the day you picked me?" She asked causing me to nod

"I do" She smiled

Flash Back:

"I choose... Ally" Right as the words came out of my mouth I could practically hear the heart break, it also broke my heart to have to chose one of them but it had to be done, they were the ones who wanted me to choose in the first place, I was happy with the way things were.

Four of the girls stood up and walked out of my room clearly heartbroken over my choice,but hey at least Ally stayed.

Ally was now full on crying, I don't know why but she was maybe she didn't want me but who knows?

"Do you not like my choice is that why you're crying?" I asked cautiously

"NO!" She forced out with her sobs then covered her mouth "No, I'm just really happy Y/n" I smiled at her then took a seat next to her on my bed, wrapping my arms around her and kissing the top of her head I could hear her let out a loud sigh.

"What's the matter babe" I asked looking down at her.

"I just... I just love you that's all" I smiled and kissed her lips softly

"I just love you too" She smiled against my lips

"Ew gross we're still here ya know" Megan said sticking out her tongue

End Of Flash Back

"It was a good day" I leaned down to kiss her but was interrupted

"Mommy!" My son Jace shouted

Yes son, Ally and I decided we wanted kids about a month after our wedding so now we have our precious little three year old Jace.

"Yes Jace" I responded still in Ally's lap

"Can we watch Dora?" He asked, Yeah my son has a little obsession over Dora I don't know why but he does.

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