Chapter 7

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[3:27am] Y/N: Please talk to me

[3:28am] Y/N: It's been 3 days

[3:37am] Y/N: I kinda miss you

[3:59am] Y/N: Please I'll do anything

[4:39am] Anonymous: No.

[4:40am] Y/N: YOU TALKED TO ME!!

[4:40am] Y/N: Finally

[4:42am] Anonymous: That was your punishment, this time and only because it was your first time breaking my rules, next time you lie to me you really won't enjoy it.

[4:45am] Y/N: I swear I won't lie again, I didn't mean to talk to him he just called and I lost track of time, sometimes I forget that you're watching me

[4:47am] Anonymous: Next time you won't forget.

[4:47am] Anonymous: Now go to sleep, you haven't slept yet.

[4:49am] Y/N: You're out there RIGHT NOW?!?

[4:50am] Y/N: ITS POURING

[4:53am] Anonymous: Oh I'm indoors so no worries :)

[4:57am] Y/N: Indoors where and how can you still see me?

[5:01am] Anonymous: I'm not going to tell you.

[5:03am] Y/N: Oh and what are these rules you spoke of earlier?

[5:04am] Anonymous: (one) You must do everything I say

[5:05am] Anonymous: (two) If you disobey me you will be punished

[5:06am] Anonymous: (three) You don't lie to me because I know everything

[5:07am] Anonymous: (four) You do not talk to anyone romantically

[5:08am] Anonymous: (five) You cannot tell anyone about me.

[5:08am] Y/N: Well if I can't talk to anyone romantically then neither can you

[5:09am] Anonymous: I would never cause princess you're my one and only

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