Chapter 41-Dinah

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It was 6:30, Dinah was suppose to be picking me up at 7 to say I was nervous would be an understatement I was really really fucking nervous.

I had already taken a shower and was dressed, I was wearing a plain black t-shirt with some skinny jeans.

Pacing around my room waiting for a text from Dinah telling me that she was here or on her way, god my heart was pounding, a few seconds later I receive a text I look down at my phone and see that it's form Dinah.

[7:00pm] Dinah: Baby girl I'm here and right on time ;)

[7:00pm] Y/N: On my way out :)

I took one last look at myself in the mirror and was ready to go, running down my stairs and to the front door, I opened the door only to reveal a smiling Dinah with a single rose in her hands.

She handed me the rose without saying a word then leaned in and kiss my cheek.

"You look beautiful baby girl" I smiled and disagreed but she kept on protesting that I did in fact look beautiful, she was the one that was beautiful.

She took my hand and lead me to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for me, shutting in when I was all buckled up she then ran over to the drivers side and got in, buckling up and starting the car.

And with that we were off and on our way to the mystery place she was taking me.


We arrived at an arcade, I was really excited to go in I almost busted out my door but Dinah stopped me saying that she wanted to open my door for me so I let her, she rushed over to my door and opened it allowing me to get out, she took my hand and we walked up to the entrance of the arcade.

Once inside Dinah went up to the counter and got us some change to play the games, she came back with probably 50 dollars worth of change, she had a whole little bucket thing full of quarters, okay maybe not 50 dollars but it was a lot.

We started out at the beginning of the arcade and made our way all the way to the end, and it was a big arcade.

After about 3 hours of playing games and goofing off we finally left and she said that the date wasn't over and she wouldn't let me go home without eating so she began to drive us to a random restaurant of her choice, she said it was her favorite place in Miami but she wouldn't tell me what place it was cause it had to be a secret as she put it.

We arrived at a little 24hour diner, it was really cute I could see why Dinah said it was her favorite place to go to, I've never been though.

Once again Dinah insisted on opening my door for me so I let her, she raced around to my side of the car, opening the door allowing me to get out she grabbed my hand once more but this time she spun me towards her planting a kiss on my lips.

"I love you" She said with a smile, I smiled back and told her that I loved her as well.

We walked hand and hand into the little diner, for being 10pm there was quite a few people in here, I guess it was really popular.

We were seated towards the back per Dinah's request, once seated we looked at our menus.

While looking at mine I could see Dinah staring me me from the top of her menu, I guess she doesn't know she's been caught, I cleared my throat snapping her out of her daze.

would have thought that she would've been embarrassed for getting caught but no she just smirked at me and then turned her attention back to her menu, like why?

The waiter came back and took our orders, she left once again and came back to give us our food.

Dinah and I ate our food in silence for the first few minuets, enjoying our food well we were silent until Dinah spoke up.

"So Whats up?" She asked with a cute smile on her face, she also had some ketchup but I wasn't going to tell her that.

"The sky" I said and she laughed shaking her head

"But really how's life?" She asked again

"It's been okay but it got better when y'all came into my life" I said honestly

"How's school?" Damn I was hoping that she wouldn't bring this up, School has actually been terrible, I mean if they didn't bring up my grades for me I would have been failing and wouldn't graduate so they pretty much saved my ass.

I decided to lie

"It's been good" I said while nodded my head

"That's good" She smiled

The rest of our time at the diner was filled with us talking and getting to know each other better, I could say this is easily one of the best dates I've ever been on.

We left the diner hand in hand, my head rested on Dinah's shoulder and her's rested on mine.

She opened the car door for me then shut it when I was in, I was kinda sad that this date was coming to an end up all good thing come to am end am I right?

We drove to my house in a comfortable silence, still holding hands, her thumb grazing over my knuckles.

We arrived at my house and I noticed that no one was home so I decided to invite her in.

"Hey" She turned and looked at me "Wanna come inside?" I asked hopeful that she would day yes.

"Sure" she nodded and we got out of the car, but this time I opened my own door cause I really wanted to go inside and maybe watch a movie with her and cuddle.

She looked sad when I looked at her, probably cause I didn't let her open m door for me but oh well she'll get over it.

We reached my door and I took out my key and unlocked the door, opening it and walking in.

Once inside I grabbed Dinah's hand and lead her to the couch she sat down and I sat in her lap.

"So wanna make out?" I chuckled and nodded forgetting about the movie and the cuddling.

Dinah pulled me in for a kiss and yeah... shortly after our little make out session Ally had called Dinah saying that she needed to be home since it was late, Dinah moaned and groaned saying that she didn't want to but finally agreed, we said our goodbyes with one last kiss and she left leaving me with my thoughts.

Tonight was a good night...

it was a good night.


I'm sorry for my mistakes :/ I'll post Normani's date tomorrow :)

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