Chapter 42-Normani

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It was the day after Dinah's date and I was patiently waiting for Normani to text me to let me know when she was coming to get me, it was 5:30 and I haven't received a message form Normani, maybe she didn't want to go on a date anymore?

thirty minutes had passed and it was now 6, that's when I received a message, it was really short but I guess it'll do, for now.

[6:01pm] Normani: I'll be there at 6:30, dress casual ;)

Wow okay, you could've sent that to me like a couple of hours ago so I could have more then thirty minutes to get ready.

But anyways I rushed around to get ready dressing pretty causal then just waited around in my room for 6:30 to come.

I received a text a few minutes later.

[6:29pm] Normani: I'm turning to corner now

I ran down stairs and sat on my couch to wait for her to knock on my door, a couple minutes passed and then I heard the knock I was waiting for, I waited a few seconds to get up and answer it, when I opened the door it revealed a casually dressed Normani with a little stuffed teddy in the hands.

She looked up and smiled then looked back down at the teddy, she then leaned up and gave my cheek a light peck before handing me the teddy.

"His name is Stephen" I laughed when she said that

"Why Stephen?" I asked

"Cause" She blushed "Its the name of my fish" Can this girl get any cuter?

"Okay well would you like to come in while I put Stephen in my room?" She nodded before stepping into the door way and waiting form me at the door while I ran up to set the teddy on my bed, once finished I ran back down, damn I'm doing a lot of running today.

I greeted Normani who was still standing at my door with I shy 'Hello' causing her to smile, she took my hand was lead me out of the front door and to her car, opening the door for me letting me get in the shutting it behind me, she then went around the car to get into the driver's side then started the car up and we were off.

Like Dinah, Normani didn't tell her where we were going she said it was a secret.

After a thirty minute drive we finally arrived at a private beach, was the date here?

She stopped the car and got out of her seat, walking over to my side opening the door for me allowing me to get out then shut it behind me, I grabbed her hand to hold it causing her to look at me, I smiled and leaned in and gave her a kiss on the lips causing her to smile.

"I love you" She said, the smile still there

"I love you too" I gave her another smile in return

We walked down to the beach, she told me that her and her family had own it.

As we continued to walk the beach we came across a nicely set up table with two covered plates on top, we stopped and I turned to her smiling, she did this all for me?

"Surprise" I gave her a hug, after we broke apart she lead me over to the table and pulled out my chair for me then went over to her side to sit down.

"This is nice" She smiled and grabbed my hand form across the table

"Only the best for you" She gave my hand a quick kiss then let it go so we could eat.

She opened our meals to reveal an amazing looking dish, I had no clue what it was but it looked good.

We ate and talked about anything and everything, the dinner was over and now we were walking the beach hand in hand, just telling pick up lines

"Okay I have a good one you ready?" she asked and I nodded "Okay, If I called your body beautiful, would you hold it against me?" I laughed and nodded she the pulled me in for a hug, resting her head on my shoulder as I did the same.

"That was stupid" I laughed some more

"But you laughed so that's all that matters" I smiled against her shoulder "C'mon I wanna take you to one more place before I take you home" I nodded and we walked back to her car, getting in and she took off towards her second mystery place.

We drove for about twenty minutes before we reached and Ice cream place, I started jumping up and down in my seat causing Normani to start laughing.

Once inside to packed ice cream place, I wonder why it was so full do people like go get ice cream at nine at night all the time?

We ordered out ice cream then went and sat down to wait for it come, a couple minutes later it arrived.

We ate our ice cream while talking about random subject well that was until Normani started talking about the girls and how they were working on a new album, meaning they were going to be away a lot her soon.

"Yeah and we have to go to LA to record it" I gave her a sad smile but she didn't catch it and went on. "It usually take us four months to finish and album" I really love you Normani but could you like stop talking? It's making me sad "You should come with us" I instantly perked up when she said that, yes okay Normani keep talking.

"so would you want to come with us?" She asked

"Yeah" I nodded causing her to smile

"Great!" She took out her phone "Lets take a selfie to remember this moment" I'd remember it even without a selfie.

She came over to my side of the booth and held her phone out to take the picture, we both smiled 'Click' She kissed my cheek 'Click' I kissed her cheek 'Click' She grabbed my chin and kiss my lips 'Click' after the she put away her phone and place her arm around my shoulder, we continued to eat our ice cream in a comfortable silence

We left the ice cream place hand in hand, walking back to the car she opened the car door for me one last time before getting in on her side and we took off.

After a ten minute drive we arrived at my house, I sadly looked over to Normani to find that she was already looking at me, I leaned in causing her to lean in as well, I gave her a quick kiss on the lips before we got out of the car.

She walked me up to my door, we said our goodbye's and she turned to walk away I pulled her back and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"You forgot your kiss" She chuckled and then turned to walk away, back to her car

I unlocked my front door and went inside, that's when I saw her drive off.

I set my keys down and went up to my room, smiling the entire way but before I could get to my room my mom stopped me, I'm surprised she's home.

"Who was that?" She asked

"Just my girlfriend" Little did she know that I had four others.

She nodded, letting me go up to my room.

Once I'm my room I took out my phone and saw that Normani had sent me a message

[10:37pm] Normani: I had a nice night, I hope you did to. I love you have a goodnight :)


I tried :/

I woke up at freaking 5 am and couldn't go back to sleep so here I am :/

i'll post Ally's date later :)

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