Chapter 32

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[10:10pm] Y/N: Four more days :3

[10:10pm] Lauren: Yup we have four more shows to do

[10:11pm] Dinah: Dawg you should come to our last one

[10:12pm] Normani: Yeah it is in Miami

[10:13pm] Y/N: You guys would want me there?

[10:13pm] Ally: Of course we would

[10:14pm] Camila: Yeah why wouldn't we want the one girl that makes us happy in the crowd cheering us on?

[10:15pm] Y/N: I was about to say how did y'all know that I lived in Miami but I remember that you guys are like my stalkers

[10:15pm] Lauren: Only you could be in love with your stalkers

[10:15pm] Y/N: Yup

[10:15pm] Y/N: Its not hard you know

[10:16pm] Normani: What's not hard?

[10:17pm] Dinah: This dick

[10:17pm] Dinah: I kid I kid I'm always hard for you baby

[10:17pm] Y/N: 0-0

[10:18pm] Normani: Dinah be quite you don't even have a dick

[10:19pm] Dinah: How would you know?

[10:19pm] Ally: Don't act like you haven't ran around the house naked before

[10:19pm] Dinah: 0-0

[10:20pm] Dinah: You weren't suppose to tell Y/N that :(

[10:21pm] Ally: So?

[10:21pm] Dinah: I'm going to tell her about that one time

[10:22pm] Ally: What time?

[10:22pm] Dinah: At the swimming pool

[10:23pm] Ally: PLEASE NO

[10:24pm] Ally: I'll do anything but please do not tell her about that


[10:26pm] Dinah: Awww she's pouting can I please tell her, Ally look at her cute little pout

[10:27pm] Ally: As if I could ever say no to the face, go ahead

[10:28pm] Y/N: YAYAYAY

[10:29pm] Dinah: Okay so one time we were at the pool, it was a public pool and Ally decided to jump off the diving board and when she did her bathing suit top flew off and her bottoms went as well, she was completely naked and kids started to scream and the parent rushed to cover their eyes, it was so funny

[10:30pm] Ally: Yeah and y'all didn't even help me

[10:31pm] Lauren: if I remember it correctly I did help you the others didn't

[10:31pm] Lauren: I gave you my towel and got your bathing suit

[10:32pm] Ally: Oh yeah I remember that :) I still than you to this day lolo

[10:33pm] Y/N: Aww Lauren that's so sweet

[10:34pm] Camila: Lol she's blushing

[10:35pm] Y/N: I want a selfie form each of you

[10:35pm] Lauren: You sure you want to see this ugliness?

[10:36pm] Y/N: You're not ugly you're one of the most beautiful girls i've every seen

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