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*Aileen's POV*
It's was a normal day going to college and going back home.But I was I new in town so really I was on my own.
*At school*
I walk in like normal but I needed help to get to my class,I found a girl sitting by herself and my stupid ass went to speak with her and said hello she looked sad."hello um I bet you need help to get to your classroom"She said"I actually do but may you help me get there?"I said in a happy way.she nods,"May I see your schedule?" I handed it over.She looks at me like if I was crazy."Well don't worry to much because most or all of the classes you will be seeing me in"she says with a bright smile."Oh and my name is Maria what about your name?"Maria said with a smile on her face."Um my name
Is Aileen"I said.*Bell Rings*
"Well we should be getting so class now so c'mon let's go".
*Lunch* I wasn't sure if I was doing good but I know that I'm learning my way around I didn't get bullied which was a good thing and I was a bit confused on where to sit but I just sat on a random table.
Maria came over to me like if she was the happiest person on earth"Hello my friend"She said.I just look around and try to see if someone is behind me but I guess she was talking to me"hey what's up?"I said.*Skip the talking* I don't know what happened but next thing I knew I was in love with a boy but my only problem was that he had a girlfriend and well I didn't bother asking Maria about him.
*At home* Well it was only me and my brother and his girlfriend. "Erick what are you doing?" I yelled out. "Ay nada,I'm only with Katelyn"Erick yelled back at me. "I'll be heading to bed my loving brother". "Yeah ok good night"he said In a hurry.
*Next morning*
I couldn't wake up my eyes were every heavy I got up because I remembered it was my second day at my new College.
*At school*
I went to reading class first which was my favorite subject and I appreciated that class a lot.
*one hour passed*
Ugh why is college all about leaning and things that don't make sense to me anyway I saw Maria walking to class alone.I stopped her by saying "do you mind if I walk with you?"I said in a glad and happy way."sure I'm not bothered at all". *School was done*
It was Friday I didn't have nothing to In mind so im just gonna change
Something nice and normal

It was hot day so really I ask Katelyn if she wanted to come with me to the mall she did but Erick had to come along

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It was hot day so really I ask Katelyn if she wanted to come with me to the mall she did but Erick had to come along."Ay Sis want some fro~yo?".I didn't even answer so he just took use there.We ate our fro~yo and just went home nothing happened but katelyn wasn't acting like she usually does.Well I also don't care because she just doesn't even like me.
Thnx for reading I'll do another chapter tomorrow or tonight but leave names and suggestions.I WILL BE ADDING PPL😄

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