Netflix ~N~ Chill

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•Aileen's POV•
It's the next morning and everyone is tired I ask Maria if she wanted to go to the store with me to buy somethings she says yes we both go to the store and buy popcorn and get some movies.We saw a clearance on the pajamas I bought Maria two pajamas and another two for me.

We saw a clearance on the pajamas I bought Maria two pajamas and another two for me

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We went to the car and went home.I went to my room and saw Chris sitting I walk over ask him what was wrong he pulls me close and kisses me we where kissing a lot and Erick pops out of nowhere and says,hey Chris don't you think that's too much?!?!?!,as he exits my room.Chris ignores that comment and goes back on kissing me I stop Chris because his breath was horrible I told him to wash his mouth he came as fast as he could.Let me see kiss me and I'll see if you washed you're mouth right then you may rock me,I say with a wink. Chris laughs and kissing me for long he puts his hand inside my shirt and I giggle a bit Chris carries me on the bed laid me down and got untop of me and started kissing,Chris wasn't heavy at all he was light I could probably carry him.Chris finished and we went to the living room and called everyone one over to watch a movie I'm guessing it was a romantic movie.we both went to get Caden and Maria they where deadly kissing i walk in and knock on the wall they look at me and I'm like"MOVIE TIMMMEEEE!" I said as they ran down stairs.I walk down stairs and see Erick and Rebecca sitting and kissing I walk next to them and I say"don't you think that's too much Erick?!?"we all laugh we sit and watch the movie.We finished watching the movie and we all went upstairs me and Chris grabbed another movie and some popcorn to munch on I lay on Chris and we both watch the movie it was 7:36pm we fell asleep like at 12:41am.
Ik I already did a shoutout but I really want to shoutout Cecixx15

It's a AMAZING book I recommend it to everyone,It's basically about Ceci and Christopher,And don't get me wrong Chris may be bae but in that book there's some interesting things that have happened to there book relationship(lol)

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It's a AMAZING book I recommend it to everyone,It's basically about Ceci and Christopher,And don't get me wrong Chris may be bae but in that book there's some interesting things that have happened to there book relationship(lol).ANYWAY i have been reading her book and I have felt in love with it so once again I recommend it to anyone.
Oh and if any one has a pic or something make sure to make a little "book" but just put the pic and I'll edit it, and I'll probably add in the pics I have edited on each Friday!😄
I'll be updating soon!

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