School Days

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•Aileen's POV•
"ERICK GET OUT THE BATHROOM!"I scream..."YOU HAVE TO WAIT MISS!"..."Fuck you"i whispered...i walked to my room..."CHRIS HURRY UP!" I say..."no wait"Chris says...i roll my eyes and just took my clothes and went to Lilith's Room i locked both Doors and took a shower...I got out and changed into one of Christopher's joggers and one of my shirts..."Ugh im done"I say as i walk out Lilith's room i stand by my bed while i dry my hair with the towel..."Chris hurry!"i say..."WAIT IM DOING MY HAIR!" Chris says...I roll my eyes...I do my make up and walk out I wave goodbye to Ezequiel and Lili...i smile...I make Breakfast and eat...Raquel and Joel come down Kissing eachother...And Erick and Rebecca just hug...Zabdiel is just Bothering Barbara like always and Richard is on his Phone with Deysi...I look at Chris...He looks back i walk upstairs and See Maria Crying..."What happened? " i asked as i sat down next to her..."I broke up with Caden..."She said i hug her and Smile..."Good"i say..."What" She looked up at me Confused..."Ummm i have a friend of Yoyo's that is Single and is a hottie!" I say..."Mhm"Maria said cleaning her tears..."He's in Illinois..."I said..."Oh sure ill meet him!"Maria says..."Who's the Hottie Aileen?"Chris says..."Ughhh"i said as i just get up...,Maria walks away smiling..."Ummmm"i say,Chris jogs at me and Carries me,He kisses me
•At School•
We all take our lockers and headed to class...i walked down the stairs to my classroom...
•3Hours Later•
"Goooo!"i say as i smack Christopher's butt he runs in front while i walk behind him on my phone..."Chris"I say.."Yeah?"Christopher replied..."Thanksgiving is coming..."i say walking towards him and hugging him..."What are we gonna do"I ask as we walk outside to the campus..."I was thinking we could i dunno,Have a...Family thanksgiving..."Chris says..."That means that a lot of family?!?"I say..."Yeah..."Chris looks at me...
•End of school•
Last Period was over with..,i walk to my locker and see Julie bothering Maria...I walk over to Julie and Push her away from Maria "What the hell is your problem?"I ask..."Mhm,Your the one i was looking for anyway"Julie says feeling my hair..."Dont fucking touch me" i said as Julie gives me a weak Smile..."Aileen come on lets go"Maria says pulling me away from Julie...,We walk away and see Raquel..."Hey i saw Julie trying to flirt with Joel..."Raquel said as Julie walks past us while Julie was walking by Raquel gave her a dirty look...😒..."We all hate her"Rebecca says as she randomly pops out..."Yeah i wanna punch her badly..."I say..."Lets kick ass then"Raquel says as she starts to walk to who knows where..."Raquel get over here!"Rebecca says...Now Rebecca was one of the smart girls who didn't like problems...But had attitude...,We saw the guys and walked to them,Then we all went home....
•30 minutes later•
"ughhhhhh"i say trying to walk up the stairs..."CHRIS!"i say..."Yeah?" Christopher responds..."😟Carry me"i gave him face then a smirk he ran to me and carried me upstairs to our room..."Thanks My love"I say as i enter the bathroom then put one of my bath bombs in the tub of water 💦...
I see the Bath bomb dissolve...I open the bathroom door and see Chris with a Smile on his face i smile and pull him
With me in the bathroom and start to kiss him!
•The next morning•
"AILEEN!"Erick says as he opens the bathroom door "W~wat" i say taking out my toothbrush out of my mouth...."Eh"Erick said walking out..."CHINGA TU MADRE MIJO"I scream..."OK YOU LOSER!"Erick screams back..."Ayyy respeta"Rebecca said pinching Erick..."Fine"Erick said "Ha!"I said making faces to Erick..."Aileen that goes to you too"Rebecca says as she enters her room..."Aileen are you done?"Chris says walking behind me and holding my hips 😏💦💦💦"Yeeeee"I say as i laugh out the room...I run to Joel and jump on his back "YOUR MY NEW WHIP!"i said as Raquel walks out the room and laughs..."Ha no get off now aileen 😂"Joel says "Nice try mijo pero no,RUN!"i say...they look at me..."Fine damn..."I say,We laugh
~At School~
"Aileen May you come to the Office"
Principal:Aileen your Brother and Sebastian are Suspended for a fight that they decided to do at school
Aileen was speechless at that time she couldn't say anything...
Twenty minutes later passed and Aileen and Erick were home while the rest were at school...
•Aileen's POV•
"Erick why"I asked him while i Cuddle with Mikey and Luna...
"he made me mad and well i gave him the first move..."Erick said looking at the ground..."Erick its not your fault"I said as i hugged him...."Aileen can we take a nap like the old times?"Erick asked..."Sure come on"We walk to my room and laid down as we watched T.V and fell asleep
•Christopher's POV•
We all got out of school and went to see Aileen and Erick...They we're sleeping...
Hugging eachother but sleeping like little angels...Rebecca comes in the room and wakes Erick up to move to his Room while Aileen slept like if she was in a little ball i laid behind her and kissed her neck...Then i fell asleep...
•Next morning•
•Aileen's POV•
Heyyy have a nice Thanksgiving...Im giving thanks for ppl who are reading my book...Love y'all
Ill update so hopefully

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