Getting introble

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•Chris POV•
I wake up next to Aileen...I didn't want to wake her up...She was pale...I kiss her and she wakes up..."Aileen Good Morning baby"i say as she sits up..."My head hurts a lot"She says...
•Aileen's POV•
My head was crazy it was like if my eyes balls were rolling in circles...."Chris I can't see"i say trying to find Chris while my vision was white..."What,Um"i hear Chris say...I also hear Chris call the Doctor...
•Chris POV•
"Doctor!"i say i look at the hall way and look back at Aileen..."What happened?"The nurse said"She can't see"I say in panic..."Ok please walk out"The nurse says...
I walk out the room and knock on Rebecca's room..."Come in"i hear someone say..."What happened"Erick says...I don't answer and just look down...i hear Ezequiel cry..."Shhh ya shhh"Rebecca says "Can I carry him?"i ask trying to forget about Aileen..."Um yeah"Rebecca says handing me Ezequiel...I hold him and see his eyes closed...He gives me a smile and a mini laugh..."Wow Chris you would be a Good Dad"Erick says..."yeah kids are the most beautiful thing in life"i say..."este niño tiene que repetir"i say..."What?"Rebecca says...i hole up Ezequiel and pat his back slowly i hear him burp i also smelled milk..."Haha he burped on you and vomited on you"Erick says "Ya stop Erick..."Rebecca says..."Why it's funny"Erick says..."Help him"Rebecca says..."Yeah here have Ezequiel back"i say i give Rebecca mini Erick..."Yeah thanks for going whatever you did"Rebecca said..."No problem"I say hugging Rebecca...I also went and hugged Erick "Congratulations"I say as i get Ezequiel's vomite from my shoulder and Smashed it on Erick's face"Haha"Me and Rebecca laugh...Erick gives me some eyes but then he starts to laugh..."Hey how's Aileen"Erick asked..."Oh um she is getting more sugar and that she couldn't see so I called The doctor...So a nurse came and tole me to get out the room"I say calmly.."Oh ok then"Erick says "um do you give mind if  i stay with you guys a bit?"I ask"Its good"Rebecca says...Putting Ezequiel to sleep"Actually you can take care of him."Rebecca says because i have to walk around the hospital a bit...and Erick will be coming with me"Rebecca says as Erick and her walk out the room..."Well its only you and me"i say sitting...
•10 minutes later•
I hear The door open it was Rebecca and Erick "Thanks a lot"Rebecca says.."No problem"i say getting up..."Well im gonna do with Aileen"I say "Wait ill go with you"Erick said as we walk out the room..."Ok lets go"I say walking to the room...We anter and see Aileen eating spaghetti..."Hi"She says Erick walks towards her and hugs her..."Hi baby"I say she smiles
"Aye sis"Erick says "Yeah"Aileen says eating"Why do you have Low temperature and Low Sugar..."Erick says looking at her.."Um i guess I wasn't eating well"She says nervous..."No i need you to eat no more diets!"Erick says...
•Aileen's POV•
I look down and feel a strong something hurting me from the inside..."Im sorry I-"I said
I didn't know what to say so I kept quiet..."Aileen i love you..."Erick says"We don't want to lose you"Chris says as he kisses me..."No Chris get aways"i say"Why?"...,"Im sick"I say"Oh ok then"Chris says..."Tell me about my little Ezequiel!"I say
•20 minutes later•
"Wow Aileen ready to have a kid!"Chris says Erick looks at Chris then looks at me "Kidding haha..."Chris he holds my hand..."I want to go see Rebecca and Ezequiel"I say..."I can ask if they could change you guys to the same room..."Erick says calling the nurse...
•50 minutes later•
I hold this precious baby and kiss him on the forehead..."Aw he looks like you Erick.."I say "Yeah he goes look like his dad"Rebecca says..."Your not left behind Rebecca"I say we laugh...
•We fall asleep•
I hear Ezequiel cry..."Erick!"I say "Shut up!"Erick says "What happened baby"Chris says"The baby is Crying"I say "Ill go get him"Chris says carrying Ezequiel over to our bed "Here hold him"Chris says handing me over Eze (Ezequiel)
I look at him fall asleep in my arms...i smile and look at Chris...i get off the bed and lay Eze i walk back and see Chris laying down taking all the space..."Chris"I say "Yeah"he says "Move"I say "No you have to lay on me and sleep on me"Chris says with a wink...I giggled and just laid on Chris he hugs me tightly and his arms were my covers his space was my space,I fell asleep and felt Christopher's lips on my lips he picked on my lips and just fell asleep with me...
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