Chapter 34

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 You finally reached the Sky Patrol. It felt so incredible as you walked inside, like you were in a super hero or something like that, and you were walking in slow motion for the awesomeness to kick into the audience. You entered the battle ship, with several emotions filling inside you.

Rotor, Nicole, and Sally focused all their attention on several computer screens. Tails immediately ran to a open seat beside the Walrus, and started typing away. After a few seconds, a small clock appeared on the screen, counting down from ten minutes. All of the other freedom fighters seemed to go off and do their own thing. Your mind drew a total blank at that moment.

A hand rested on your shoulder, and you were teleported back to reality. "Why don't I show you a few things? After all, we have loads of time," Sonic stated as he glanced back at the countdown.

You couldn't think of anything else to do, so you nodded your head in agreement. The blue hedgehog led you down a circular hallway to several large rooms. He walked to one of the sliding doors, and strolled inside.

The interior reminded you of a hospital. It had that clean smell that always shot up your nostrils when you entered an E.R. A couple of beds were in the white room, and medical equipment was seen as well.

"Welcome to the Medical Bay," Sonic stated as he started rummaging through the cabinets, trying to find something in particular.

"What are you looking for?" you asked with hand running through your (H/T).

"Some medical tape and stuff to wrap my foot in," the hedgehog answered. You nodded your head in understanding, and you began to help.

You open the second closets cabinet, and started looking on the first shelf inside. Immediately, you pulled out what the male needed, and you tossed it at him. He caught the objects with his fast reflexes.

The hedgehog started walking to one of the beds, and sat on it. He pulled off his shoe and sock, and he began redressing his ankle. After he finished, he pushed himself off his seat, and walked towards with with a face of confusion.

"How'd you know where the stuff was?" he asked with an arched brow.

You didn't have a very good explanation, so you simply shrugged your shoulders and answered, "I don't know, lucky guess I suppose."

Sonic only hummed in agreement as he grabbed some more supplies for his ankle to place in his room. He continued on with the tour, and he motioned for you to follow as he walked into another large room.

This room was a complete opposite from your last stop. The interior immediately reminded you of a type of meditation garden. Serene music was playing in the background, and fake plant-life surrounded you. A small chao was in the middle of meditating on a rock while his bunny best friend played in the sand on the ground.

"This is the Zen Garden," Sonic stated, "But I'm guessing that you don't like to sit still, huh?"

"Maybe I'll come here to relieve stress, but that rarely happens," you stated.

"You can also build sand castles with me while Cheese meditates," the Cream suggested as she continued to play in the sand with a pail and shovel.

A few muttered "chaos" of frustration emitted from the bow tie - wearing creature, and Cream added, "We have to be very quiet, though."

You smiled at the sweet child, and waved good-bye. You started to walk further down the hall with Sonic until Nicole's voice cut through in an announcement.

"Deportation will begin in one minute. Please, report to the meeting room for further information." You could hear a chao's cry of anger from the garden.

You started heading to the location, but a gentle grasp of your wrist stopped you. You turned to the hedgehog, as he beckoned you to follow him.

"There's one more thing I got to show you," Sonic explained as he pulled your further down the hall.

You followed the speed demon as he led you to one more small room. "This is Rotor's favorite part, but I don't know why."

The room was...a bathroom of all places. Sonic flushed the Sky Patrol-designed toilet, and the water flowed down the pipes.

"Check out this water pressure! ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!"

You face-palmed at his joke. Suddenly, you were picked up and taken to the meeting room at the speed of light. You sat in a chair with the snickering hedgehog beside you.

​​​​​ Here is the toilet joke reference I made.  

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