Chapter 86

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        "So, do you really think that machine will work?" (B/N) asked. At the moment, she laid onto the covers of her bed, flipping through the pages of a teen magazine. The two of you were sharing a room while in Knothole, your two beds only a few feet apart.

You stood next to the window, staring into the outside world. The moon rested high above the treetops, sending waves of light down onto Mobius. Across the way, the Lake of Rings reflected the moon's image on its glossy surface. You never took your eyes off the moon's watery image as you spoke, "It has to work, (B/N). It's the only plan we have so far."

"We should be thinking ahead," your best friend muttered. "I mean, if that plan doesn't work, we're basically sitting ducks."

You had no answer. After all, it was true. This was the only plan the team had concocted so far, but you couldn't allow negative thoughts to cloud your mind. You needed to have faith, not just for the others, but for yourself. It was one of those situations where if you said something enough times, you would start to believe it too. You hoped to believe your own words. Believe that everything would be okay in the end, even if the words were simple fiction.

It was at this moment that your eyes drifted from the Lake of Rings to a shadowy figure on the water's edge. The being was slouched in the grass, their shoulders slumped in a depressive state. Your heart fell downward with guilt cracking it to pieces. How long had that mobian been there while you watched out in a dazed trance? Everyone around you was fighting their own separate demons, but they didn't need to face them alone.

"--(Y/N), are you even listening to me?" (B/N) asked harshly. Her entire attitude had become serious since this conversation began. However, you decided to see the figure by the Lake. You've heard enough depressive truths from your best friend.

"Sorry, I gotta go."

You left the hut abruptly, your roommate didn't even have a chance to speak before you slammed the door shut behind you. The cold night wind blew across your face. Stray hair strands flew up into the air from the breeze. Various huts had their lights shining through their windows. Few huts were dark, either unoccupied or their residences were asleep for the night.

Outside one of the huts was a familiar mobian. Amy Rose stood outside her temporary home to look up into the night sky. Even from afar, you could spot small sparkles in the corners of her eyes as well as down her cheeks. Her eyes were glazed over as she looked upward. Her small hiccups broke the atmosphere's silent surroundings.

Shame. That was all you felt. What kind of person would ditch their teammates, their friends, in their hour of need? While you were grieving and isolating yourself from the outside world, your fellow freedom fighters were falling in their own downward spirals. You failed them. The guilt was suffocating.

You began to step towards the heroine until you felt a fragile hand lay on your shoulder from behind.

"Leave her be. She won't want to talk."

You turned to face Sally Acorn, another freedom fighter you failed to apologize to. Sally was not in her usual happy state either, her eyes were dull with small bags under her eyes. Her entire presence lacked the finesse and proud appearance. Sally was also grieving, though her emotions were all underneath. The leader's current face was hiding her sadness, playing as a mask or a facade to cover the truth she covered well.

Even in this state, Sally still smiled towards you. Her eyes were sad but truthful as she said, "No one blames you, (Y/N), but Amy needs time. She won't talk to anyone, not even myself or Tails. "

She left you with those couple sentences. Her hand left your shoulder as she walked to her own hut. Her footsteps were rushed but light. As she walked away, her entire departure seemed broken to you. Perhaps that was all she could say to you. Sally was facing her struggles differently, but she still couldn't be strong all the time. Sally and Sonic meant something to one another a long time ago, this much you knew. They completed each other, in ways that changed as time progressed. Sally lifted a hand up to her eyes as her figure blended with the darkness, though you couldn't hear anything like crying.

You ambled down the thin trail of gravel and dust towards the water body. As you neared the Lake, your eyes adjusted to the new lighting now that the moon released natural glow in the atmosphere. Small bugs and creatures rested on the water's surface, and the stars were their beacons. The cold wind returned, making ripples rise and fall in both the clear liquid and in the soft grass below your feet. The leaves rustled above your head as well, playing a strange but musical medley in nature.

You neared the figure, who held a small twig with one of his tails. He poked the water, watching the minuscule waves rise and recede. As he sat in the grass, his ears would twitch as the wind tickled the leaves and his orange fur. Your footsteps created a small rustle in the grass, the fox's ears turning towards you. Her acknowledged your presence.

"Go away."

You took a few more steps forward. "I just want to talk, Tails."

Immediately, the mobian turned his head back in your direction. His eyes were glossy but held anger. His fists clutched the grass he sat on, uprooting them from the ground as he suddenly stood. His entire stance was upset but defensive. His tail broke the small wooden bark into two halves. One piece fell straight into the water, before rising and floating on the surface. The other half was thrown in your direction, the broken side poking your arm. You didn't stir nor falter in your stance.

"Now you want to talk?! Is it because you pity me? You feel guilty? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!" Tails had tears flowing from his eyes, matting his tuffs of fur on his muzzle.

Some would've turned away. Some would've yelled back with just as much rage. However, you stayed silent and never flinched. You kept a brave, calm face on while looking into the young fox's eyes. Underneath all the anger and grief, you saw weakness. Tails was lying, trying to keep up his own facade like Sally.

"It's all your fault! Sonic's gone because of you! You lost him! He was everything to me! My best friend, MY BROTHER!!"

You took a few steps closer. Tails continued to scream, to release his emotions and thoughts. They were projected towards you, but just like with (B/N), you told yourself a lie over and over again. You started to believe it, too. It wasn't your fault, Tails was upset. It wasn't your fault, Tails was upset. Over and over again, you continued to state this mantra until you were right in front of the fox.

"Tails.." you muttered quietly.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!! Your fault! You!,"

Tails fell to his knees, his eyes drifted to the ground in dismay. You sat on your legs in front of the fox and began wiping the tears away from his muzzle. His breathing was heavy and small whimpers escaped his throat. His throat felt sore from crying and screaming towards you. The mobian looked up into your eyes, finding a sense of calm. This was his breaking point as he suddenly began crying away all his grief and anguish away. He lurched towards your figure, finding sanctuary in your caring arms.

His sobs were messy and multiple tears fell onto your shoulder, but you didn't care. This child needed you now more than ever, and you weren't going to leave him. Tails had stayed strong for so long, working tirelessly for everyone, especially Sonic. All this time, you forgot that the fox was still young, though his age meant nothing when compared to his strength. You gently rocked Tails side to side, hearing his constant apologizes and mumbles, "it's not your fault....not your fault." Small tears fell from your eyes, too. Somehow, you found healing in each other's embrace. Tails' cries calmed into sniffles before quiet sleep.

You pulled this tired fox into your arms, allowing him to rest his heavy head on your shoulder as you carried him home. You prayed he would wake up in the morning, at least feeling a little better now that he let everything off his chest. 

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