15. Take outs and Break downs (Part One)

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Nathaniel P.O.V

"Can you please eat?" I asked my mother nicely.

"I'm not hungry Nathaniel." She said glaring at me. When my mother doesn't get what she wants she acts like this.

"What did I do this time?" I asked in a annoyed tone. I watched deeply into my mother's eyes, they were brown like mines, she had light brown hair with a bang, and was a pain in the ass.

"I don't know, you tell me." she said pushing up her face. "You're keeping something from me." She said crossing her arms on her chest.

"Why didn't you invite your sister ? She tells me everything, unlike you" she said with a shady voice.

She's on her way. I said looking around.


My sister arrived and I was relieved. I waved at her and she came towards us. I got up hugging her and she gave our mother a kiss on the cheek.

My sister looked similar to our mother, just the younger version, she's older then me and is married, she has a son and she owns a clothing store and designs dresses etc.

"Natalie, Nathaniel never takes me out the house, he keeps me locked up in there alone." My mother said and scolded at me.

"Why don't you take mom out Nathaniel?" My sister asked and stared at me.

"Why don't you take her out Natalie?" I said sarcasmly and faked grinned at her.

"Because I have a husband and kid to go home to" she fired back at me.
"That was hurtful" I said rolling my eyes.

"She can go out herself" I said watching the waitress who passed by.

I felt a sting on my arm and glared at my sister. "What the hell was that for?" I asked annoyed rubbing my arm.

"I was just looking at her!" I said angrily. "I'm in love with someone else anyways."

"Your not suppose to do that Nath-."

My mother and sister heads snapped up and watched me, they looked at each other and started laughing, everyone started starring and it was uncomfortable.

"Did you just love Nathan?" My mother asked and tears started coming down from her eyes.

It wasn't those sad tears, they were laughing tears.

"Good one bro, you almost got me there" my sister said and I watched them in disbelief. "I'm serious guys" I said glaring at them.

"Stop!" My mother said holding her stomach, you're killing us." They said laughing louder.

I sighed and waited for them to finish. "I'll be having a company party a month from now." I said after they finally decided to stop laughing.

"I want to design your tuxedo." my sister said raising her right hand.

"I'm not paying you" I said and watched her serious.

"Oh, you don't have to pay me baby brother." She said squeezing my hand.

"Evil brat." I mumbled glaring at her.

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