26. Imagination

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So in this chapter you'll see BOLD TYPING, In brackets it's the translation.

On with the chapter now.

Cataleya P.O.V

When I got home, I was exhausted, Nathaniel took me to a park after we left the ballroom and I had a huge flashback. I know for sure it was me and him when we're younger but he freaked out when I told him about it and he dropped me home.

As I walked into the bathroom I couldn't stop thinking about it. Something was wrong, something feels wrong but I can't put my finger on it.

I got into the shower and turned on the cold water. I stood underneath it and let the cold water hit my face. My finger happened to pass on my scar and it happened again.


It was dark and I was cold, I couldn't see anything, a little light shined upon me but everywhere else was dark.

The doors opened and I tried my best seeing who it was but I couldn't.

" Ah tesoro , la tua sveglia , mi spiace per tirare su i capelli come quella in precedenza , questo non era supponiamo di accadere a voi , ma lo ha fatto. Farò in fretta fiducia in me."
("Ah sweetie, your awake, sorry for pulling on your hair like that earlier, This wasn't suppose to happen to you but it did. I will make it fast trust me.") He said in another language, my heart rate picked up as he brushed my hair out of my face.

I spat in his face and all it did was angered him causing him to slap me.


The slap snapped me out of it, realizing I was still under the water I pulled back fast and gasped for air. My heart rate was slowing down as I turned off the water getting out, I dried my skin and grabbed my robe.

I laid on my bed but I couldn't sleep, I was just thinking about the flashbacks. Talking to myself for about an hour I finally fell asleep.

* * *

"Well, hello again!" The voice I heard from before filled my head. I panicked not knowing what's going on, I looked around and everything was white.

"That's rude, you can answer me you know." The voice said boldly, "H-Hi?" I tried to say calmly but it came out as a question.

"Don't have much mouth in here, don't you?" The voice said snickering.

"Who the fuck are you." I said looking around, I felt pain sting through my arm as I held it tightly.

"That's not nice cataleya!" It said pissed, "Don't you dare try talk to me that way!" It continued.

I rolled my eyes, I felt another pain shoot through my leg, "I can make it worse, don't try me." It said as I whimpered.

"What do you want?" I said laying on my back, Wind or maybe a shadow passed infront of me, I tried to get up but I felt as if I was glued down.

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